Do you count yourself among the masses? Among those that embrace the Christian God? Doing His good works among the wicked, the corrupt; those lost souls that wander this earth in search of something more.
I have met you in your good works. You beg from me at street corners and in parking lots blessing me from your hypocrite lips. Sinning in a way far worse than anything I have ever done by putting on the face of the destitute and oppressed. Oozing with your lies; forcing yourself upon me.
You say that not following in the steps of your Lord is a sin for which my soul will be damned to your hell.
What say you to the countless sinners who falsely praise your God?
What can you say to make me tolerate being associated with the simple-minded forked tongued minions for which your religion has become known?
What benefit would there be to gather from an over indulgent group of fools pledging their souls to an invisible spirit?
I had a boy of about thirteen approach me tonight at about 10:00 pm in the parking lot as Im about to load my groceries in my car. He mumbled something about attending a Christian school in the area and a couple of the churches area. He claimed to be collecting food for one of these churches. No collection bin, no paperwork as to which church it would reap the bounty of my donation. Just a fat kid in a stained shirt claiming in the name of God that hes doing good works. Well you worthless unwanted ejaculation. I hope you enjoy the Hell you claim to fear. The Christian Morals and beliefs that I hear so much about have obviously played a strong role in how your parents have raised you. Sending you to meet your maker is the only gift you would get from me.
I would like to ask all of those that align themselves with this Christian right to consider what you are a part of.
Consider becoming a Deist. Youll be in much better company.
I have met you in your good works. You beg from me at street corners and in parking lots blessing me from your hypocrite lips. Sinning in a way far worse than anything I have ever done by putting on the face of the destitute and oppressed. Oozing with your lies; forcing yourself upon me.
You say that not following in the steps of your Lord is a sin for which my soul will be damned to your hell.
What say you to the countless sinners who falsely praise your God?
What can you say to make me tolerate being associated with the simple-minded forked tongued minions for which your religion has become known?
What benefit would there be to gather from an over indulgent group of fools pledging their souls to an invisible spirit?
I had a boy of about thirteen approach me tonight at about 10:00 pm in the parking lot as Im about to load my groceries in my car. He mumbled something about attending a Christian school in the area and a couple of the churches area. He claimed to be collecting food for one of these churches. No collection bin, no paperwork as to which church it would reap the bounty of my donation. Just a fat kid in a stained shirt claiming in the name of God that hes doing good works. Well you worthless unwanted ejaculation. I hope you enjoy the Hell you claim to fear. The Christian Morals and beliefs that I hear so much about have obviously played a strong role in how your parents have raised you. Sending you to meet your maker is the only gift you would get from me.
I would like to ask all of those that align themselves with this Christian right to consider what you are a part of.
Consider becoming a Deist. Youll be in much better company.
Nice comic... and rant. Gotta love the children of the Nati. Oh btw I'll be down there - Comet on Monday!