Had fun in C-bus as usual, why did I buy a house in Cinci?
Reminds me of a line from "The Magnificent Seven", guess which one and you get a prize.
McQeen said it
Drank entirely to much at the Lodge, Lynchburg Lemonaide is a tasty drink when made right. And to make sure he remembered how I had Sambo, the bartender, make me one or ten. But, I don't like to descriminate so I had a few other random drinks to round it out...could be why I still feel like shit at 7:00 pm.
Anyway off to happylittlebitch's place to watch a movie...hope this asprin starts working soon
Reminds me of a line from "The Magnificent Seven", guess which one and you get a prize.

Drank entirely to much at the Lodge, Lynchburg Lemonaide is a tasty drink when made right. And to make sure he remembered how I had Sambo, the bartender, make me one or ten. But, I don't like to descriminate so I had a few other random drinks to round it out...could be why I still feel like shit at 7:00 pm.

Anyway off to happylittlebitch's place to watch a movie...hope this asprin starts working soon
It's been too long since I've been in Columbus. Hope you feel better soon.
thanks for coming over! that movie was funny!