This is some kinda record for me lately. Two posts in as many days!!
Sat I went to C-bus and hungout with some friends for the OSU game...Good times were had!!
Cept for the drunk chick that I had to restrain from jumping off the 5th story balcony...she didn't have a good night...
Then headed over to the lovely Miss Meow's b-day party with her boi Vectrexxx ...again good times and drinking as always
Crashed at my sis's place; but got there and left while she was still asleep...had to get home and save my parents from the pup that they agreed to watch for the night....he's a handfull at times.
In other news:
Pic of my little girl when we celebrated her 5th b-day when I had her last month.
Courts are still sucking but kinda gotten used to it....*shrug*
Got some paint for her room, pink of course.
Gonna turn the other room into my office. Be the first time in about 6 years my computer is gonna be away from my bed....not sure I'll be able to sleep without hearing the fan motor buzz....
Here's my furry child.
8 months old...and +/-79 lbs...see where he tops out since he's already bigger than his daddy.
Still enjoying life with no roomie
Started my new position at work...sorta; my replacement doesn't start in my old job till the 11th of Dec. So, I'm doing a bit of both jobs till then....
Made some rather tasty chicken soup that I'm hoping will help ward off the evil col/dflu germs that are going around my office
Supposed to go see the new Bond movie with Happy Little Bitch tomorrow
Got lots of friends coming into town around Christmas so looking forward to that.
Back is slowly on the mend...looking forward to feeling all my toes again
Anyway back to work...miles to go before I sleep...
Sat I went to C-bus and hungout with some friends for the OSU game...Good times were had!!
Cept for the drunk chick that I had to restrain from jumping off the 5th story balcony...she didn't have a good night...
Then headed over to the lovely Miss Meow's b-day party with her boi Vectrexxx ...again good times and drinking as always

Crashed at my sis's place; but got there and left while she was still asleep...had to get home and save my parents from the pup that they agreed to watch for the night....he's a handfull at times.

In other news:
Pic of my little girl when we celebrated her 5th b-day when I had her last month.

Courts are still sucking but kinda gotten used to it....*shrug*
Got some paint for her room, pink of course.
Gonna turn the other room into my office. Be the first time in about 6 years my computer is gonna be away from my bed....not sure I'll be able to sleep without hearing the fan motor buzz....
Here's my furry child.
8 months old...and +/-79 lbs...see where he tops out since he's already bigger than his daddy.

Still enjoying life with no roomie

Started my new position at work...sorta; my replacement doesn't start in my old job till the 11th of Dec. So, I'm doing a bit of both jobs till then....
Made some rather tasty chicken soup that I'm hoping will help ward off the evil col/dflu germs that are going around my office

Supposed to go see the new Bond movie with Happy Little Bitch tomorrow

Got lots of friends coming into town around Christmas so looking forward to that.
Back is slowly on the mend...looking forward to feeling all my toes again

Anyway back to work...miles to go before I sleep...
Wow your puppy is huge now!!
Hey Stranger! Wow, the pup got big. I think yours and mine were born around the same time i think... (april 29th) Koda is just about full grown... she weighs like 20lbs (give or take). She's little. She's a mixed breed though, mom was a pitt bull / boxer mix, and her dad was a chiuaua / miniature pincher mix. Imagine that. HAHAHA But yea, they definitely CAN be a handful. He's beautiful though. hmm... November, it is time for you to update again mister!