Ok I decided there was way to much seriousness in my posts lately so:

So, remember the next time somebody asks you why you're on this site...it's for health reasons
Got my birthday present to my self a reciprocating saw~!!! YEA!!!! hey I'm a guy fuck off
Went to get a new pair of shoes and helped some girl push her broken down car out of traffic. I think she was half afraid I was gonna attack her instead of help her. *shrug*
Was talking to my neighbor; he has a Pit Bull almost the exact same age as my Rott so they were outside playnig. My neighbor seems pretty cool hadn't talked to him for the first year I lived here and talked to him 4-5 times now. He gave me a cigar that I plan on trying out soon..mmmm
Thursday night hung out with the Awesome MrWinterWolf and the always so lovely and fun Villain my new grip will be in (hopefully) on Thursday of this week
We watched some movies that...well I've seen better
Had a fun time @ Jonnieboy's party Friday night. Really shouldn't have drivin home but didn't realize it till about half way there.....purple drink is fucking deadly shit.
Got to see the lovely Aphrodisia, Her Hubby wo is not on here
the AWESOME Mr.Shabbydo, His little xxxsullen_girlxx, on Sat
Had a very good chill time 
Got my cash back from my mastercard!!! So, guess where that's going...that's right towards the pile of fucking debt...and or a new cell phone....gotta get one on the 17th when my plans up. Anyone have Cingular? How's the coverage?

So, remember the next time somebody asks you why you're on this site...it's for health reasons

Got my birthday present to my self a reciprocating saw~!!! YEA!!!! hey I'm a guy fuck off

Went to get a new pair of shoes and helped some girl push her broken down car out of traffic. I think she was half afraid I was gonna attack her instead of help her. *shrug*
Was talking to my neighbor; he has a Pit Bull almost the exact same age as my Rott so they were outside playnig. My neighbor seems pretty cool hadn't talked to him for the first year I lived here and talked to him 4-5 times now. He gave me a cigar that I plan on trying out soon..mmmm
Thursday night hung out with the Awesome MrWinterWolf and the always so lovely and fun Villain my new grip will be in (hopefully) on Thursday of this week

We watched some movies that...well I've seen better
Had a fun time @ Jonnieboy's party Friday night. Really shouldn't have drivin home but didn't realize it till about half way there.....purple drink is fucking deadly shit.
Got to see the lovely Aphrodisia, Her Hubby wo is not on here

Got my cash back from my mastercard!!! So, guess where that's going...that's right towards the pile of fucking debt...and or a new cell phone....gotta get one on the 17th when my plans up. Anyone have Cingular? How's the coverage?