Hello to all.
Been MIA need to get out and have some adult fun soon. Been playing with the munchkin and it's great!!!
But just not used to having a 4 yr old attached to my hip 24/7.
Hung out with my one and only first cousin and her two boys...gonna have to go hang out with her and get to know her after Evelyn goes home. My cousin went MIA for most of our childhood thanks to her mom; so we're trying to get to know each other now...scary how much we have in common...and how different her life was from minet.
Anyway going to the C-bus zoo on Sat with the munchkin and my Sis. Not sure who else is going but all are welcome to join in the animal fun just gimme a call.
Been spoiling my little one...her mom makes her be vegitarian and no sugar at all....I'm "fun daddy"

Anyway it's sadly past my bedtime at this point since I will be awakend by a bouncing ball of energy at 7:30...
On a somewhat good note I've hardly had a drink in the week and a half she's been here...sobriety is a strange unfamiler world....
Words of wisdom:
Children are sexually transmitted.
Those words of wisdom seem about right.
Seems as though you're doing well... i miss the whole ohio crew, i wanna come back and hang sometime!!!