"Lately the only thing keeping me from beinga serial killer is my distaste for maual labor." - Dilbert
Took the day off from work.
Made some spicy as hell Chili last night; tasty but not for the week stomachs of the world.
I think superwalmarts should have a map available at the front door. I walked around that fn place for 20 minutes and still couldn't find what I wanted so I just left.
Anyway gonna go see how much it will cost to get a couple tires replaced. My back tires are about as bald as Yul Brynner realized I should make that a link for all the kids in the audience that my not know who he is.
later kids
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." -Henry David Thoreau

Took the day off from work.
Made some spicy as hell Chili last night; tasty but not for the week stomachs of the world.
I think superwalmarts should have a map available at the front door. I walked around that fn place for 20 minutes and still couldn't find what I wanted so I just left.
Anyway gonna go see how much it will cost to get a couple tires replaced. My back tires are about as bald as Yul Brynner realized I should make that a link for all the kids in the audience that my not know who he is.
later kids
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." -Henry David Thoreau
some chilli sounds pretty damn good tonight!
I didn't need the link, does that make me old?*goes to find bengay*