Landlords suck. The drier's broken again and he's trying to say it's because it's been overloaded. It worked fine for the last four years. I have to get up early tomorrow and go to the laundramat.
He's also hassling me about stuff that's been in the storage space for years. If he makes me remove that shit, I'm going to enforce the housing code and demand a reduction in rent for loss of services.
Moral of the story, marrying a chinese girl 1/3 your age will make you a miserable, money grubbing old prick. Especially after you have the kid and fly her mom in.
I want my own place.......down by the river!
He's also hassling me about stuff that's been in the storage space for years. If he makes me remove that shit, I'm going to enforce the housing code and demand a reduction in rent for loss of services.
Moral of the story, marrying a chinese girl 1/3 your age will make you a miserable, money grubbing old prick. Especially after you have the kid and fly her mom in.
I want my own place.......down by the river!
yep. actually, i'm happier to go live alone again. i don't socialize that well.
i heart the coen brothers