I me mine, I me mine, I me mine, I me mine, I me mine
Not much going on lately. Practice was great Saturday. We ended up barbecuing and watching Lemony Snickets. It looks beautiful.
I had a free ticket to go to the rollerderby, but being on sedatives made me think that would be a bad idea. They do it every week, so I'm sure I can go some other time.
Sunday, I puttered around the house cleaning my studio. I finished a watercolor my sister asked me to do for her.
I also took this pic of my cat, Spider.
Later on, I went out for dinner with my pal, Glen, to Jitlada. It's one of the best Thai places in town.
I've been working a lot of hours to make up for the two days I'm going to miss this week. I got home around 12:30 last night.
There's been an icky situation at work where the new guy got off on the wrong foot, but it seems like it might be irreprable. Admittedly, he hasn't been the most diplomatic guy in the world, but I also think he's been treated unfairly. I am afraid he's been scritinized so heavily that it will be next to impossible to win everyone over. It's all over silly personality clashes. It really pains me to see people act this way when I feel caught in the middle. I think he's going to bail on the place before they can find a replacement.
It appears I have been recruited to play bass for Bid of the Monochrome Set. He's putting together a band with me, Dave Arnsen from the Insect Surfers, and Alan & NIck from Popdefect. I should get my CDs this week to study up on before we start rehearsing. Then, I guess the plan is to play a couple shows in LA and SF when Bid flys out to rehearse with us shortly beforehand. I'm really looking forward to it. It'll be good to play bass again.
Ok, I'm off to the $,99 store before I go back to work.
Not much going on lately. Practice was great Saturday. We ended up barbecuing and watching Lemony Snickets. It looks beautiful.
I had a free ticket to go to the rollerderby, but being on sedatives made me think that would be a bad idea. They do it every week, so I'm sure I can go some other time.
Sunday, I puttered around the house cleaning my studio. I finished a watercolor my sister asked me to do for her.

I also took this pic of my cat, Spider.

Later on, I went out for dinner with my pal, Glen, to Jitlada. It's one of the best Thai places in town.
I've been working a lot of hours to make up for the two days I'm going to miss this week. I got home around 12:30 last night.
There's been an icky situation at work where the new guy got off on the wrong foot, but it seems like it might be irreprable. Admittedly, he hasn't been the most diplomatic guy in the world, but I also think he's been treated unfairly. I am afraid he's been scritinized so heavily that it will be next to impossible to win everyone over. It's all over silly personality clashes. It really pains me to see people act this way when I feel caught in the middle. I think he's going to bail on the place before they can find a replacement.
It appears I have been recruited to play bass for Bid of the Monochrome Set. He's putting together a band with me, Dave Arnsen from the Insect Surfers, and Alan & NIck from Popdefect. I should get my CDs this week to study up on before we start rehearsing. Then, I guess the plan is to play a couple shows in LA and SF when Bid flys out to rehearse with us shortly beforehand. I'm really looking forward to it. It'll be good to play bass again.
Ok, I'm off to the $,99 store before I go back to work.
still feeling down w/your health issues?
get well soon! best!