I spent most of last week planning on going camping this weekend in Joshua Tree National Park. My friend and I go every year. The wildflowers are supposed to be out of control because of all the rain we've had.
Nick went up on Wednesday and got the best campground in the park at White Tank. There's only 15 sites. I was very excited and was going to drive three other friends up there in the van w/ bicycles and everything.
Friday, Janet and I meet up to go out for breakfast and go to the Trader Joe's to do our shopping. The plan was to leave right after work and we'd get up there around 11.
At breakfast, I started having some cramp-like pains. I thought it might be gas or something, so I went to the bathroom, but it didn't go away.
We got about halfway down the 2nd aisle at Trader Joes and I ran to the bathroomm. I started feelin nauseous. I came out and told Janet what was going on. I called my doctor and couldn't get in today. They told me to come in after five for the urgent care clinic if needed. I decided I couldn't wait.
So we drove to Cedar Sinai hospital where I spent most of the day in the ER. They found blood in my urine. I have kidney stones.
I'm 34.
They said it wasn't abnormal and since both my parents have had them, it shouldn't come as a surprise.
I did have some weird spasms over the last few weeks in my lower back, in the kidney area. I just figured I'd drink more water and see if they went away.
So, I missed work on Friday and I have an appointment tomorrow with a Urologist. In the meantime, I'm eating lots of Vicodin and Ibuprofin. I also have these wonderful funnels with screens in the bottom I'm supposed to piss in to catch whatever is supposed to come out of me. It hasn't happened yet and I'm not looking forward to it. They told me that I'm going to give birth in the next few days. The cat scan showed a 5-6mm rock at the top of my bladder. That's bullshit. Most women plan on having children and look forward to it. While giving birth, they usually have an epidural and a team of people caring for them. Afterwards, they have a child and a new life.
I'm fucking 34!
I'm glad that I'm not dying of renal failure or infection in the desert and that I'm not being airlifted into the Palm Springs ER, but I'm really bummed about missing this camping trip. I'll make up for it by going again in the fall once things have cooled off, but there won't be any flowers. We're also going up to the Kern in June.
I'm really OK with it. I'm SO glad I have my new healthcare. It cost me $120 for the ER & my prescriptions. I am missing some work, though.
I just want this damn thing out of me and I want to get all the wonderful explanations at work over with.
Oh yeah, no caffeine or alcohol until this is over with.
Janet has been super cool. She stayed with me in the ER even though I tried to send her off. I took her out for Indian Friday night to Halal Tandoori. Last night, we played Scrabble and ordered in Thai from the Farmhouse Kitchen. Then, we watched an excellent anime film called Spirited Away. I highly recommend it.
I'm going to eat another Vicodin now.
Nick went up on Wednesday and got the best campground in the park at White Tank. There's only 15 sites. I was very excited and was going to drive three other friends up there in the van w/ bicycles and everything.
Friday, Janet and I meet up to go out for breakfast and go to the Trader Joe's to do our shopping. The plan was to leave right after work and we'd get up there around 11.
At breakfast, I started having some cramp-like pains. I thought it might be gas or something, so I went to the bathroom, but it didn't go away.
We got about halfway down the 2nd aisle at Trader Joes and I ran to the bathroomm. I started feelin nauseous. I came out and told Janet what was going on. I called my doctor and couldn't get in today. They told me to come in after five for the urgent care clinic if needed. I decided I couldn't wait.
So we drove to Cedar Sinai hospital where I spent most of the day in the ER. They found blood in my urine. I have kidney stones.

I did have some weird spasms over the last few weeks in my lower back, in the kidney area. I just figured I'd drink more water and see if they went away.
So, I missed work on Friday and I have an appointment tomorrow with a Urologist. In the meantime, I'm eating lots of Vicodin and Ibuprofin. I also have these wonderful funnels with screens in the bottom I'm supposed to piss in to catch whatever is supposed to come out of me. It hasn't happened yet and I'm not looking forward to it. They told me that I'm going to give birth in the next few days. The cat scan showed a 5-6mm rock at the top of my bladder. That's bullshit. Most women plan on having children and look forward to it. While giving birth, they usually have an epidural and a team of people caring for them. Afterwards, they have a child and a new life.
I'm fucking 34!
I'm glad that I'm not dying of renal failure or infection in the desert and that I'm not being airlifted into the Palm Springs ER, but I'm really bummed about missing this camping trip. I'll make up for it by going again in the fall once things have cooled off, but there won't be any flowers. We're also going up to the Kern in June.
I'm really OK with it. I'm SO glad I have my new healthcare. It cost me $120 for the ER & my prescriptions. I am missing some work, though.
I just want this damn thing out of me and I want to get all the wonderful explanations at work over with.
Oh yeah, no caffeine or alcohol until this is over with.
Janet has been super cool. She stayed with me in the ER even though I tried to send her off. I took her out for Indian Friday night to Halal Tandoori. Last night, we played Scrabble and ordered in Thai from the Farmhouse Kitchen. Then, we watched an excellent anime film called Spirited Away. I highly recommend it.
I'm going to eat another Vicodin now.

take care of yourself.