"Oh, I'm a working man.
Yes I am. Shit! Goddamn!
I work all day as fast as I can
just so I can shit it a can."
Stupid song I made up
Best bumper stickers recently seen;
"Think about honking if you love conceptual art"
No updates for a while because I've been working, tired, or blowing off steam. Sorry. I was taken by all the comments, though. It's nice to be missed.
Things are going well. I get along with everyone at work and I actually enjoy it. It's busy work and most of the time, the clock seems to keep moving. I've been receiving stellar indirect feedback from other people. I guess the Operations Manager has been quoted saying, "I wish we had a few more Shards" and "Oh, he won't be in shipping long."
It feels good to be appreciated. I do have to be careful. Many of the people I work with have been there for three years or more and haven't advanced. While they are impressed at how quickly I've been picking things up, I must be wary of any potential conflict. No one likes a know-it-all and I shouldn't go around waving my degree in people's faces. I think one of the main tasks in any job is to get along with everyone. You spend more time at work than anywhere. Naturally, you can't make everyone happy all the time, but I look at it as an investment.
So, I've been down-playing any praise by trying to humble myself saying things like, "Well, I'm older than you and I have more experience" or "I've had similar jobs to this before, so I'm not starting from scratch'. Probably the best one was "Thanks for being such a good teacher and being so patient with me." If I don't make an effort to be considerate like that, I will get arrogant draw the ire of my crew.
They have been digging on my iPod, which I've been hooking up to the stereo.
Thursday was a tough day at work. We have this huge fish tank in the shipping department. There are a few minnows, a couple catfish-like bottom feeders, and a really big oscar fish. The oscar fish is agressive and is fed either live fish or blood worms. The minnow was named "lil' buddy" because he was supposed to be food, but he's too fast for the oscar.
That morning, the oscar was found dead on the floor. Apparently, it was a suicide. He jumped from the tank.
There are stories where oscar fish have jumped into neighboring tanks to feed on fish and then have jumped back to their original tanks.
RIP oscar
I'm just wondering if I should read into this or not. What kind of work environment is it if it's causing the fish to go suicidal?
Last week, I had the distinct pleasure of having lunch with the lovely lillitatiana. We chatted over meaty treats on the patio of Bob 's Big Boy. I have always wanted to go there. Our waitress was overwhelmed while we roasted in the sun until the clouds came out and it got cold. It's nice to be working again, but it's even nicer to take a long lunch filled with good converstaion.
Friday, I was going to meet up with the Midnite Ridazz for the monthly ride, but I got there too late
I"ll have to try to get out early next month in order to make the ride. I was really looking forward to it.
Instead, I rode past a party for the opening of yet another punk/alt clothing store. I turned around, stopped, and opened one of the Witekerkes that I crammed into my handlebar bag. I ended up leaving immediately because the party was incredibly boring. A bunch of people standing around, looking cool, checking each other out constantly. I realize I don't know everything that was going on, but I wasn't impressed. I'm sure I sound jaded, but with Hot Topic and everything, punk has lost it's meaning and it's just fashion now.
(grumpy ol' man)
So, I rode home and drank the rest of the Witekerkes while watching Akira. It was kick ass to see it on DVD, letterbox, on a nice TV. I've seen it in the theater before, but it's been a long time.
Saturday, I managed to get to the farmer's mkt and get some good food. It's so nice to go shopping and not have to constantly worry about money. I won't have any real $ for some time, but at least I can take care of shit. I got insurance on my van but I won't be able to register it for another couple weeks.
I ended up staying home last night and working on music. A friend of mine asked me about going to the Scene, but I wasn't motivated. I've only got a few bucks until I get paid on Friday. I did make an excellent meal; Farfalla w/ meatballs in a red sauce w/ garlic, black & red pepper, oregano, lemon, & cilantro. I made garlic toast with the whole grain bread I got at the market. I love ejoying a nice meal I've made that you couldn't get anywhere else. Mmmm, mmm. Home cooking.
After dinner, I had a glass of the Dalmore scotch I bought on the way home from work. I haven't been able to buy good scotch in six months.
Tomorrow, I start working 2-10pm, which is already interfering with my music, but I'll have to manage. I am looking forward to going to the gym regularly in the morning. Otherwise, I have been visiting bongolia while puttering around the house, doing chores.
I'm still waiting to receive the organ track for that recording we've been working on. I'm in the process of rescheduling all my rehearsals to the weekend. I'd like to book some shows, but I can only do stuff on my own until the dust settles with the band. Also, my guitar amp is sick. It fades in and out on it's own.
I need to find a good, affordable tech in the LA area. I have a loaner in the meantime, but it doesn't sound nearly as good.
No worries, I've got the rock. I'll bring it out when the time is right.
The really cool thing; with my new hours, I'll be able to go to the St. Patrick's Day Parade. I'll be sure to get plenty of photos for that.
Yes I am. Shit! Goddamn!
I work all day as fast as I can
just so I can shit it a can."
Stupid song I made up
Best bumper stickers recently seen;
"Think about honking if you love conceptual art"
No updates for a while because I've been working, tired, or blowing off steam. Sorry. I was taken by all the comments, though. It's nice to be missed.

Things are going well. I get along with everyone at work and I actually enjoy it. It's busy work and most of the time, the clock seems to keep moving. I've been receiving stellar indirect feedback from other people. I guess the Operations Manager has been quoted saying, "I wish we had a few more Shards" and "Oh, he won't be in shipping long."
It feels good to be appreciated. I do have to be careful. Many of the people I work with have been there for three years or more and haven't advanced. While they are impressed at how quickly I've been picking things up, I must be wary of any potential conflict. No one likes a know-it-all and I shouldn't go around waving my degree in people's faces. I think one of the main tasks in any job is to get along with everyone. You spend more time at work than anywhere. Naturally, you can't make everyone happy all the time, but I look at it as an investment.
So, I've been down-playing any praise by trying to humble myself saying things like, "Well, I'm older than you and I have more experience" or "I've had similar jobs to this before, so I'm not starting from scratch'. Probably the best one was "Thanks for being such a good teacher and being so patient with me." If I don't make an effort to be considerate like that, I will get arrogant draw the ire of my crew.
They have been digging on my iPod, which I've been hooking up to the stereo.
Thursday was a tough day at work. We have this huge fish tank in the shipping department. There are a few minnows, a couple catfish-like bottom feeders, and a really big oscar fish. The oscar fish is agressive and is fed either live fish or blood worms. The minnow was named "lil' buddy" because he was supposed to be food, but he's too fast for the oscar.
That morning, the oscar was found dead on the floor. Apparently, it was a suicide. He jumped from the tank.

RIP oscar
I'm just wondering if I should read into this or not. What kind of work environment is it if it's causing the fish to go suicidal?
Last week, I had the distinct pleasure of having lunch with the lovely lillitatiana. We chatted over meaty treats on the patio of Bob 's Big Boy. I have always wanted to go there. Our waitress was overwhelmed while we roasted in the sun until the clouds came out and it got cold. It's nice to be working again, but it's even nicer to take a long lunch filled with good converstaion.
Friday, I was going to meet up with the Midnite Ridazz for the monthly ride, but I got there too late

Instead, I rode past a party for the opening of yet another punk/alt clothing store. I turned around, stopped, and opened one of the Witekerkes that I crammed into my handlebar bag. I ended up leaving immediately because the party was incredibly boring. A bunch of people standing around, looking cool, checking each other out constantly. I realize I don't know everything that was going on, but I wasn't impressed. I'm sure I sound jaded, but with Hot Topic and everything, punk has lost it's meaning and it's just fashion now.

So, I rode home and drank the rest of the Witekerkes while watching Akira. It was kick ass to see it on DVD, letterbox, on a nice TV. I've seen it in the theater before, but it's been a long time.
Saturday, I managed to get to the farmer's mkt and get some good food. It's so nice to go shopping and not have to constantly worry about money. I won't have any real $ for some time, but at least I can take care of shit. I got insurance on my van but I won't be able to register it for another couple weeks.
I ended up staying home last night and working on music. A friend of mine asked me about going to the Scene, but I wasn't motivated. I've only got a few bucks until I get paid on Friday. I did make an excellent meal; Farfalla w/ meatballs in a red sauce w/ garlic, black & red pepper, oregano, lemon, & cilantro. I made garlic toast with the whole grain bread I got at the market. I love ejoying a nice meal I've made that you couldn't get anywhere else. Mmmm, mmm. Home cooking.
After dinner, I had a glass of the Dalmore scotch I bought on the way home from work. I haven't been able to buy good scotch in six months.

Tomorrow, I start working 2-10pm, which is already interfering with my music, but I'll have to manage. I am looking forward to going to the gym regularly in the morning. Otherwise, I have been visiting bongolia while puttering around the house, doing chores.
I'm still waiting to receive the organ track for that recording we've been working on. I'm in the process of rescheduling all my rehearsals to the weekend. I'd like to book some shows, but I can only do stuff on my own until the dust settles with the band. Also, my guitar amp is sick. It fades in and out on it's own.

No worries, I've got the rock. I'll bring it out when the time is right.
The really cool thing; with my new hours, I'll be able to go to the St. Patrick's Day Parade. I'll be sure to get plenty of photos for that.
naw, it was a little thing, anout the size of a fly. it's been measuring quadrants of the room.
Too much work and no SG?