Sorry I haven't updated lately. I was hoping people would check out some songs from my band's web site. Also, I've been down, down, down. Lot's o' sleepy sleep. No work. Unemployment running out. What the hell do I do now???
The Milken Family Found job fell through, my pal ended up needing capenters, not an assistant. I looked into being a motorcylce messenger, but they only compensate via contract. When you consider healthcare, taxes, downtime, mileage, it's just not worth it.
I put in a couple calls about bartending/catering, but they haven't called back. I'll try again. Maybe I should look up my old boss Maurizio. I'd just rather start something new.
Friday, I stayed home and watched movies. Saturday, I went with some friends to the Gold Room, which is a latino bar in Echo Pk. They were really nice to us and the drinks were cheap. My pal, Nick, left early and I should have gone with him. We ended up going to one of the regulars' apt. in back for a private tequila tasting. The guy, Roy, was really cool, but his buddy groped my friend Leigh's ass while they were dancing. Leigh drank too much tequila and we had to get her home.
I ended up babysitting her until 3. She fell down then stairs leading into my patio and I had to hold her still to clean the cuts out because she was getting blood all over my floor dancing.
Needless to say, I missed my friend's bday gathering I was supposed to go to after "just one drink".
I need to get my own car so that doesn't happen.
Sunday, I made it to rehearsal with 6 hours sleep and la cruda. Practice was good, but I didn't make it over to the Gold Room for Carne Asada at 3pm as promised the night before.
I ended up going over to my friend Dave's place for a special BBQ of Pink's hot dogs. I guess they found the supplier and a bunch of people at his work went in on a gross. So, I showed up with a sixer, potato salad, and bacon! Yes, bacon wrapped Pink's dogs. That was some good shit.
It was good to see those guys because I haven't seen them since Nick & Sherry's fallout. That reminds me, I need to call Jim about some possible set work.
Sunday night, I went out for sushi with Glen & Carter to Aoba Sushi. Fortunately, Tatsuya is back from Osaka. We called ahead to make sure. He's a good pal and always treats us right. Sunday was no exception, but for some reason, we ordered a lot of hot stuff. Jalapeno bombs, Spicy Tuna, Rock & Roll, Halibut. It was almost too much, but very satisfying.
I know I lead a very charmed life for a man who's out of work. Glen, picked up my part of the tab and if I ever bounce back from this shit, I'm going to owe him dinner for a month.
Well, I better get in the shower and try to get some shit done today. I have a test Thursday and I must say that studying is doing wonders to keep my mind off of being out of work.......
The Milken Family Found job fell through, my pal ended up needing capenters, not an assistant. I looked into being a motorcylce messenger, but they only compensate via contract. When you consider healthcare, taxes, downtime, mileage, it's just not worth it.
I put in a couple calls about bartending/catering, but they haven't called back. I'll try again. Maybe I should look up my old boss Maurizio. I'd just rather start something new.
Friday, I stayed home and watched movies. Saturday, I went with some friends to the Gold Room, which is a latino bar in Echo Pk. They were really nice to us and the drinks were cheap. My pal, Nick, left early and I should have gone with him. We ended up going to one of the regulars' apt. in back for a private tequila tasting. The guy, Roy, was really cool, but his buddy groped my friend Leigh's ass while they were dancing. Leigh drank too much tequila and we had to get her home.
I ended up babysitting her until 3. She fell down then stairs leading into my patio and I had to hold her still to clean the cuts out because she was getting blood all over my floor dancing.
Needless to say, I missed my friend's bday gathering I was supposed to go to after "just one drink".

Sunday, I made it to rehearsal with 6 hours sleep and la cruda. Practice was good, but I didn't make it over to the Gold Room for Carne Asada at 3pm as promised the night before.
I ended up going over to my friend Dave's place for a special BBQ of Pink's hot dogs. I guess they found the supplier and a bunch of people at his work went in on a gross. So, I showed up with a sixer, potato salad, and bacon! Yes, bacon wrapped Pink's dogs. That was some good shit.
It was good to see those guys because I haven't seen them since Nick & Sherry's fallout. That reminds me, I need to call Jim about some possible set work.
Sunday night, I went out for sushi with Glen & Carter to Aoba Sushi. Fortunately, Tatsuya is back from Osaka. We called ahead to make sure. He's a good pal and always treats us right. Sunday was no exception, but for some reason, we ordered a lot of hot stuff. Jalapeno bombs, Spicy Tuna, Rock & Roll, Halibut. It was almost too much, but very satisfying.
I know I lead a very charmed life for a man who's out of work. Glen, picked up my part of the tab and if I ever bounce back from this shit, I'm going to owe him dinner for a month.
Well, I better get in the shower and try to get some shit done today. I have a test Thursday and I must say that studying is doing wonders to keep my mind off of being out of work.......

Re: end of unemployement stuff - temp. Not something you want long term, but it's cash in the door.