I am sick. Icky. Ick.

I have five sick days, so I am using one. I still have to pick up my guitar amp from the shop, the dry cleaning, stop by Trader Joe's, and then do some laundry. I slept for 10 hours. I'll rest the remainder of the day.

I can't register for classes until next week. Fortunately, classes don't start until mid...
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emergen C and whishy [not in the same glass] work wonders.
I broke down and bought a new ibook 12" from Amazon for $900. I wanted the warranty and I could only get a 14" w/ a warranty if I was very, very fortunate.

So, now the question is....do I A) keep the iMac G3 DV? B) lose the iMac C) if I keep the iMac do I get the airport?

It's hard making big purchases...
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c. the G3 may become a home entertainment system ...
I'm bidding on 14" ibooks.

wish me luck.
hook a brotha up!!!!

oh yeah - um..party.

[Edited on Oct 25, 2005 9:58PM]

[Edited on Oct 25, 2005 9:58PM]

sorry it's taken me so long to say thanks for the comment on my set!
how sad, about the wayne mansion!
Friday night, I went to a party @ Mary Patton's. She does all the local music and in-store shows @ Amoeba records. She always encourages people to bring instruments for drunken sing-alongs.

Last week, I brought my guitar and was the only one. The party was pretty packed, so it didn't happen. I even got made fun of by a few obnoxious drunks, but I...
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nice heron

yeah, a laptop would be nice
the band could certainly use one
our merch girl has one but we wont hook up with her until we get to toronto
we're going to try and sneak her over the boarder
ssshhh, don't tell anyone
heh heh
pretty much. my time's up and i don't want to renew at the moment.

have a good show. wednesdays are double rehearsals for me.

i'm amazed you saw a heron close to here. i've only ever seen them in the northwest.
It's been a while since I"ve updated. My back got tweeked last Tuesday, but it's getting better.

I had to drop my statistics class. The teacher told me I needed a laptop w/ excel. This information wasn't in the course description. I was pissed at first, but then I realized I should have a laptop if I'm going back to school anyway. So, this semester...
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that's sort of crazy that a laptop i *required* for class. anyway, i think you should go ahead and get a refurbished ibook. my mac, which i've had for a year now, is nice and solid. i'm so happy with it. i know about the chip change ... but i'm not sure how much that will affect the way programs etc work. but you might wanna find more of a tech-head person to ask. i just dabble. smile
everybody i heard the other night could have benefitted from some street playing.

foster's the same name as the bass player, yeah?
I'm going to Chicago for four days for a family reunion. I'll get to see the Cubs vs. Marlins at Wrigley on Saturday. I'm looking forward to it, but am a bit wary at the same time. It'll be good to see that whole side of my family, but will probably be draining.

My return flight is the same day as my first day of...
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re: freedom. in a lot of ways your right, the neo-republical thinkers (and strong democrats) would say that as *individuals* we cannot really be free. that freedom - both as a capacity to control your own fate and providing institutions to protect your own space of autonomy - depend on society. so ya know, freedom requires cooperation and interdependence. it tends to be an idea that i'm sympathetic to.

public service - is tricky too. people DO need to be more involved in the running of their government. though, i'm also a firm believer in a place for professional politicians and bureaucrats. they just have time and expertise to do these things in a way that maybe i (or you, or my neghbors etc) could not. we just need to find the GOOD ones - and that's possible. we already tend to find good bureaucrats (re: most do their job, do it well). we could work on finding better politicians (though, i think MOST *are* trying to serve the public). but ya know, we can always choose to tweak our institutions to implement measures to help us "select" better officials.
hope you had fun visiting family
i was at taix and the guy got chased through their parking lot. near as i could tell, everything started at that church on alvarado just north of sunset, up from the coffee joint. someone said it was a party at the church of northern mexicans infiltrated by southern mexicans, so it was a turf war transposed a few hundred miles, but i don't know if that's true.
great pics. new bike looks sweet. smile
This is an addition to my last post...

I ended up blowing off the Farmer's Market. I don't eat much at home now that I work the swing shift. I ended up riding into Hollywood to go to the bike shop. They're going to try and find me a bike and start a layaway plan.

LA is such a great town on two wheels. I...
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Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I had two friends visiting from Sweden. Small world isn't it. Some nice pictures of Echo Park and vincinity there. I've seen that crazy van crusing around Hollywood as well. Actually there is a few of those running around. When Justin gets back from France and you guys are playing again let me know, and please tell Nick I said Hello and I wish him well (I miss Popdefect). I'm still working at Headline on Melrose. If you happen into that part of town on Wed, Fri, or Sat. stop in I'll be there. Take care. smile
Thanks for the sweet comment that you left on my set the other day!!!! kiss miao!!
My band is going on hiatus until Sept. Justin goes to France for a month every year. He & his wife own a little shack there. So, I'll have to go into writing mode to stay busy. Working more on writing & solo stuff. Maybe I'll do another solo set. It's a little frustrating, but I should use it as an opportunity to do the...
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well i was just joking.
i forgot justin was gone. this summer has been discombobulated with people's conflicting schedules.
i wish i had the resolve to become a solo electro unit again.
when are you going to chicago?