Bio is going well. Lots of reading to do. I really enjoy it and understand a lot more than I did in highschool. We're on organic chem & cell structure right now. It's really beautiful.

I have to get a new battery for the van today. It's going to rain again this week. I'm very busy, but in a good way. It keeps me from...
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What a thoughtful comment! Thankyou!!
glad to hear things are good. the busy seems to be getting around thesae days. the flu too. puke
Pappy & Harriet's was really cool! We played for about 200 people and they really liked Nathan's stuff. There was another band there from Newark called the Witnesses and they were pretty fun. I like that whole desert community, lots of eccentric artists. It's cool to walk in and see a band playing country swing but the drummer has a huge afro.

We got fed...
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Because of the huge number of comments on my latest set... You are receiving this comment late and it is the same comment that I am leaving everyone else as well. I usually try to thank everyone individually and much more personal like, but I would just never in a million years have the time to do that this time. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that you took the time to comment on my new set. It was very wonderful of you, and I'm sorry that my return comment is so impersonal. However, if you want to stop by my page and say hello sometime, leave me an email, whatnot I'd love to chat. I am nice to everyone that is nice to me.

So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.

Happy late Valentines Day! kiss biggrin
re: review. polite but firm, it really shouldn't be a huge deal for them.

re: show: it was posted in the group!
Seek. sick. EmergenC. Alleve. Honey. I want to sleep.

I'm playing Saturday Feb 11 at Pappy & Harriet's with Nathan Payne. I sent out an email last night. I hope we have a nice little weekender entourage.

I registered for Bio. A 6 hour marathon every Saturday starting 2/25. At least I'll get past the new student hurdle. It's good to be busy. I...
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thanks for the b.day wishes.

hope you're feeling better? the sickness is never a good time. tongue

so what's up with your knee?
this aging thing, not so much fun...
Weirdest fortune cookie fortune ever.....

"Flee at once, all is discovered."
surreal robot skull
wow. I think that would cause me to sprint out of the restaurant.
I think I am finally recovered from the birthday. Thanks for all the bday wishes.

I went to a friend's party for a drink. His birthday is the 10th, so one of us will usuall throw some event and say it's for both of us. I got some nice gifts I'll havce to send thank-you cards for. Scotch, Chimay, Tequila, Bushmills.

Then, I met a...
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Christmas subdued. Nice dinners w/ friends. I didn't ask for much. I drove out to Vegas to hang w/ Mom for a few days. Just ate, drank, and talked. I'm not much of a gambler.

I ended up having to stay an extra day because my starter died. I was going to take the motorcycle, but when I left it was raining. They were cool...
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happy b.day. smile
thanks for the sweet comment on my set! it made me laugh out loud! kiss

happy birthday!
My van's stranded on a part of sunset where there are no parking signs. It has a shredded tire. No spare. I need to get rid of the weird 16.5" rims. I don't get paid until tomorrow. I keep checking on it to make sure the tires haven't been chalked or the windows smashed.

Broke as shit. Happy holidays.

I'm cycling more, which feels good....
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natural light can't be beaten, i tell you! thanks for complimenting my first ever s.g. set.
broke as well, for the holidays of course
I imagine that when I drink coffee in the morning, my brain must feel like a plant when it gets watered.

Friday, I stayed home because I had to work Saturday morning. Someone moved into another department at work, so I get to pick up their shift every other Saturday. It's not that big a deal and the overtime is nice. The problem is the...
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kiss kiss kiss
hahaha your spanish is incredibly funny.

"Tu eres una chica caliente. Yo quiero bailar con tuyo en una barra sucia todo el noche entonces despertamos juntos en uno a los brazos!"

"vos (tu is very formal, but in spain for example they dont use vos, just to) sos (the same to eres) una chica caliente (cachonda is better, is more like horny). Yo quiero bailar contigo toda la noche, en una barra sucia y que despertemos juntos abrazados"

you can correct my english too!! i would love it.
The show went really well. The bass player blew off rehearsal, which is not that big a deal, but he had trouble remembering a couple intros. Fortunately, the crowd had no idea. My tuner pedal crapped out in the first verse of the first song, I just bypassed it and continued. We had a good, hot & sloppy time. There was a decent crowd and...
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Sorry I missed the show. [minor issue kept me inside this weekend]. I'm glad it went well.What in the hell is this parade thing?
sounds like things are going good - congrats on all the shows. but that's a bummer about ticket prices right now. they're ridiculous.

good luck with registration too. my wife was just fighting with that last nite.
Saturday Nov 12
Mr. T's Bowl
5621 1/2 Figueroa (enter in back parking lot)
Barnacle 9:30
The Shards 10:30
Spider Suit 11:30
Sexmode(from Italy) 12:30
Friday night, I was riding my motorcycle home and I took a corner too sharply and bumped the curb. It pushed the footpeg up, which is OK since it's on a hinge. I hit my foot and was amazed it didn't hurt. I soon found out why. I approached the next traffic light and realized the rear brake pedal was completely gone!

I got home...
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that's one hell of a complete list.
i just can't help the worrying. it makes me very *efficient* i must say. biggrin
I am possed by the hangover beast demon of Devil's Night....a zombie, I tell you.

It's one of those nights I'm glad I don't have to be at work until 1!
i did the whole hangover thing on saturday. puke

oh, and you're tagged - let's see 20 fun facts!