Carnage! Consumption! Libations! bok
I'm not clear if this entry is celebratory or ironic. smile

I changed my major from Electrical Engineering to Music Recording because the programming classes hurt my brain.

Heh. I only program what needs to be programmed. Eg, I wont code a program, but ill code a exploit to get access to something smile

SignalNoise - Libations makes it sound celebratory to me wink

F- Arrowhead!

What water service/filter do you recommend?

I get a 'floating holiday' next week since I don't normally work Fridays and everyone else is off. So, I get Wednesday off instead. Starting tomorrow, three days off, two days on, five days off.

I've gotten three Thanksgiving invites, but no date. Anyone? whatever
Man, that's my problem to a T: still trying to please everybody.
The "blow job on the train" argument was less funny then a little creepy, at least at the time. She was like, I dunno, 19? And he was in his late 20s, or looked it. Basically, for the whole two hours they sat behind us, they *fought.* About the blow jobs, about him sticking a finger in her ass (???), about her brother, about money, about where they were going to stay, about her mother. Just on and on. And it was a creepy, desperate kind of fighting that comes from hating each other and being together too long.
Oh Selene indeed... love

I hate when interviewerers ask what my biggest *weakness* is. I hate those kind of inane questions.
My body is getting back at me for last week's hijinx. I'm not full-on sick, but I've got a weird congestion, itchy throat fatigue thing going on. Yesterday, I got my haircut and dropped by my pal, Rico's, studio and drank a few beers. I spent the night at home eating Chinese leftovers and watching Kung-Fu Hustle. Not bad.

Today I slept & slept, made...
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I'm already having dreams of Congressional investigations. I'm not sure they'll actually happen. But you know, I can dream about January at least. wink
I go to the Mexican market on Sunset near the Tropical for fruit and vegetables. I can buy so many veggies and fruit for $25, it's amazing. Then I create insane combinations in my juicer. My current fave is cactus pears, green apples, carrots, plum, one stick celery and a sweet potato. I know - it sounds insane, but it tastes delicious!
Happy Halloween you mutherfuckers!

What's your costume?

I'm going as Bandito Joe, my alternate personality which appears during desert camping trips. Often, he is seen with a huge sombrero, a bottle of tequila, a cigar, and a bicycle. Mainly inspired by the Ugly of The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly. Not to mention Emeliano Zapata
skull skull skull skull skull skull
Friday I began paying my penance by starting to return some of the kindness I've been shown over the last six years.

I rode bikes w/ a friend of mine who's having a tough time. We were going to go to this Buddhist temple for a class, but they were closed since they were on some retreat in NY. So we rode to La Cita...
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It happened! Boss told me yesterday my raise will take effect this pay period. Almost a %40 increase! It's still low for industry standard, but I'm getting a late start. I'm not going to be rich, but at least I'll have something to work with. First thing is to repay a loan and buy a plane ticket home for christmas.

I owe a lot of...
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40%?! Lucky Lucky Lucky!
Our show on Friday was great. We played really well and had a lot of fun. About half of the set was played with complete disregard to the audience. We just played together. We didn't get drink tickets, but we did get paid. I felt bad about not sharing with the other guys, but I did buy them a lot of drinks. I also paid...
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I've moved into my regular hours. M-Th 4-2am. I love it. I can run my errands while everyone else is at work. I have a three day weekend every week. I can go out Sunday night because I don't have to get up first thing Monday. I'm used to working 10 hour shifts anyway. Now, I just need my rate updated.

I talked to the...
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The Sunset Junction is this weekend. The "mardi gras" of silverlake. This means a weekend of debauchery, not being able to move my car, and then there's the parties and BBQs.

The junction started out as a community event and has slowly morphed into a "fundraiser" for a private non-profit. Over the years, I've slowly become less tolerant of the street fair. The only reason...
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I think the option to exercise is behaving well.
hehe Sooorry biggrin kiss
I was excused from jury duty. I made it into a courtroom, but they never selected me. It was a case where a guy w/ MS was suing County/USC hospital because the bathroom door closer wasn't set right. The guy fell, his arm broke, and now he can't use a walker.

Was he the one who opened the door?

It's good I didn't get on...
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i got a jury duty notice to but didn't get called. i sorta wanted to do it - good citizen and all that jazz.

what's pump audio all about?
i promise (cross my heart!) - this is totally *innocent* flirting. my wife is the awesome. smile