Finally!!! The Collector´s Edition of Warlords of Draenor is ordered and I´m so excited about it!

I have paused the game a few months ago, because my class was very stressful in the last weeks. But now my intension is to enjoy my interests again, after school and work, and I´m sooooooooo happy that I´ve get a Collector´s Edition of this wonderful mmorpg *_* I
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@blueyedork Yes, I´ve been playing it since the release. I´m excited about the new expansion, because MoP wasn´t good, I think. The classic days were great, like molten core or blackwing lair and 40 people fight against difficult bosses :D
@shantey Molten Core was brought back as a special event. It is just as hard as the old days but will be gone soon!
I'm on my third, no, fourth laptop. The first died on me, losing over 600 holiday pictures and videos. I threw that out of a window in disgust. The second had a terminal hard drive failure, which was incurable, and the data completely lost, defeating even my usual go-to computer tech guy, whose knowledge of all things computer is frankly terrifying (his hobby used to be memorising X-box game cheats), but he had my laptop a few days, before popping round, and spouting a load of tech speak, some of which I understood, which basically meant: "Your laptop is fucked." I gave that laptop to his brother, who used it as a prop in a short film he made. The third, I took to work, and promptly dropped, and it was obvious that the best place for that was in the rubbish bin. I love my current one, and treat it with all due respect. I firmly do believe that all complicated gadgets should come with a red, glass-fronted box containing a small, but heavy hammer. Should the computer, tablet, or whatever start playing up, you simply break the glass, get the hammer, and knock seven shades of shit out of the recalcitrant equipment.💻🔨👌👍😁
a small tip, get 2 or 3 hard drives set-up to place you personal file and image collection off of the laptop. if the laptop bites it, you don't lose everything. sub divide them. good luck
I would be prepared to alter my stance on christmas elves - if they all looked like you! I love this photo, it works on many different levels, being beautiful, and sexy, and fun, and a tiny bit rude, and christmassy, and hot. You rock!

Tomorrow I´ll play a cute christmas angel at the christmas party on my school. I´m very excited and I think it will be a lot of fun. I let take pictures of me as an angel and show it soon, I hope you´ll like it. :)

You definitely look like one. Beautiful! <3