<-- if anyone can tell me how to fix that it would be greatly appreciated! hehe
Today is day 9 with no boozin! I had wicked dreams i was somewhere and everyone was drinking kamikaze shooters..... I didn't have any in my dream but i was debating! 21 days to go then i'm on the sauce again. woohoo!
So far our shirts are doing amazing,...
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Today is day 9 with no boozin! I had wicked dreams i was somewhere and everyone was drinking kamikaze shooters..... I didn't have any in my dream but i was debating! 21 days to go then i'm on the sauce again. woohoo!
So far our shirts are doing amazing,...
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Vegas rocks! I cannot get enough of that city, though if i got anymore of it i would surely die. I want to start travelling more for conventions I forgot how much fun they can be. In a nutshell the weekend festivities consisted of:
- a frikin amazing time at spearmint rhino, I love strippers! haha
- doing a drunken lapdance in the strip club...
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- a frikin amazing time at spearmint rhino, I love strippers! haha
- doing a drunken lapdance in the strip club...
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in toronto, just basically walked around, down queen st. , Went to my favorite store up there, Shoe Tree, its got like so many high and low top chucks, and vans slip-ons. its like 60% of the store, didn't end up buying anything casue i am broke, but my next purchase is gonna be some new jeans, and some red high top chucks.
Jerome Russel does funky color? I have never heard of the brand and am unfamiliar.
My best friend lives in Vegas and loves it.
I wish I could go 30 days of clean living. I have been doing really well though with moderation and good living otherwise.
My best friend lives in Vegas and loves it.
I wish I could go 30 days of clean living. I have been doing really well though with moderation and good living otherwise.
I LOVE your hair in your profile pic.

Very cool!!! 

Photo shoot for the site turned out amazing, now if only I could get a copy of all the pictures....
Work is making me crazy. I need to sell off a big project before I can move on to the next phase and CHRIST.
Any ideas on what else to put in scrambled eggs/an omlette? I eat it every day for breakfast and I'm running...
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Work is making me crazy. I need to sell off a big project before I can move on to the next phase and CHRIST.
Any ideas on what else to put in scrambled eggs/an omlette? I eat it every day for breakfast and I'm running...
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i like black olives and green onion in my eggs thingy sprinkle parma cheese too low fat all the way..i add tabassco also yum yum
that's dead on for the most part... if you needed crack money at 3 a.m., just bring me your kid's playstation and i'd take care of you. that job could definitely turn you against people.
New pic, my hair is purple now instead of pink, I think i like this better. That is a crazy Shann in action drunk pic, I was on last night! hahaa
Is it wrong to flirt online if you're not single? I wonder how much trouble I get myself into sometimes.... lol
Looks like Vegas for me in a few weeks, I am STOKED I...
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Is it wrong to flirt online if you're not single? I wonder how much trouble I get myself into sometimes.... lol
Looks like Vegas for me in a few weeks, I am STOKED I...
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intense aerobics is a weird feeling when your muscles all activate
hey thanks for adding my to your friends list. nice pic love the hair. 

UGH don't you hate when you do an update, but when you save the entry the page eoesn't load and everything you spent 15 minutes writing is gone and you're too tired to start over? I DO! I can't even remember what I said.... so here are some random thoughts:
-summer is almost over
-i need a vacation
-all the shirts are ready get them...
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-summer is almost over
-i need a vacation
-all the shirts are ready get them...
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Hey, just caught you on PSW and was happy to see a fellow TOer when I checked your page. Yay!
The Bishes site is killer. Best of luck with it.
The Bishes site is killer. Best of luck with it.
you're quite welcome.
Soo my downward spiral continues! I have this great rant about Paris Hilton and fame but I do not have the energy to word it.
My guy hurt himself at work today (I know some of you are thinking didn't he just fall off a roof?). For a guy who is supposed to just drive a truck he sure gets beat up. So he hears...
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My guy hurt himself at work today (I know some of you are thinking didn't he just fall off a roof?). For a guy who is supposed to just drive a truck he sure gets beat up. So he hears...
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nope, charlo never replied to me, who knows..
oooh, maybe Ill get to meet you in October! why coming to town?
oooh, maybe Ill get to meet you in October! why coming to town?
hey there beautiful! how's everything going??
hey, do you have msn messenger? so i can add you to my list
hopediestonight88@hotmail.com just in case.
btw, i uploaded some new pics and a photoset i did for a friend of mine, hope you like the pics!!! don't get lost!! i adore you! muaaak!
btw, loooooove your webstore!
[Edited on Sep 10, 2005 7:12AM]
hey, do you have msn messenger? so i can add you to my list

hopediestonight88@hotmail.com just in case.
btw, i uploaded some new pics and a photoset i did for a friend of mine, hope you like the pics!!! don't get lost!! i adore you! muaaak!
btw, loooooove your webstore!
[Edited on Sep 10, 2005 7:12AM]
I fell off the wagon and spent the day eating chicken wings and drinking coke in bed all day after a night of drunken craziness which induced my self destructive behaviour. lol
I am becoming obsessed with m*space (in case those words are not to be spoken here LOL) and wasting TONS of my day surfing.
I took some funny pics but for the love...
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I am becoming obsessed with m*space (in case those words are not to be spoken here LOL) and wasting TONS of my day surfing.
I took some funny pics but for the love...
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Yeah, I've had a few hard nights with the bottle and the internet.
Anyways, I wanted to thank you for saying hi and say hello back.
Anyways, I wanted to thank you for saying hi and say hello back.

I do and say plenty of stuff that my boss doesn't know about.

You know I hate it when I write a huge journal entry, and one false move on my laptop and I end up clicking back. Then i click forward shazam, my whole fucking entry is gone.
In short i said :
Buy my shirts here. I have a discount code for SG it's dbsg69.
I need a massage
I recovered from my injury
It's wakestock...
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In short i said :
Buy my shirts here. I have a discount code for SG it's dbsg69.
I need a massage
I recovered from my injury
It's wakestock...
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thanks for commenting on my set. I'm glad you liked it.

thought you would like to hear from me
hey, do you have yahoo messenger or msn messenger?? just in case, so we can keep in touch better

Ipods look confusing. I have yet to get one but they sound great. Especially traveling long distances. Your daughter looks so... Modelly! What a pretty girl. Hope your tour is a blast. I have a few newer digi cam pics up but left the camera with my boy this weekend dammit.
your daughter is really pretty.
and that bruise makes you look tough!
and that bruise makes you look tough!
glad you're alright!!
that's one sexy bruise!
that's one sexy bruise!

maiden Maiden MAIDEN!!!
cock out with yrou cock out!! well if ya have one i guess
maybe see ya there girlie
cock out with yrou cock out!! well if ya have one i guess
maybe see ya there girlie

I woke up today at an ungodly hour again. I always mean to nap on days like this. It never pans out.
We just found out our daughter has scoliosis. The doctor wasn't very concerned, he said it's nothing to worry about but I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Turns out it is very common one of my friends has it....
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We just found out our daughter has scoliosis. The doctor wasn't very concerned, he said it's nothing to worry about but I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown. Turns out it is very common one of my friends has it....
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Surreal life is so funny. I wish I could pay to get just 3-4 channels of cable. The rest is crap.
Sorry to hear about your daughter. I had a friend though who had scoliosis and not only was just fine, but she did a lot of modeling! Yoga rocks. I need to try pilates some time. Congratz on the health kick! I am working out and eating awesome and have cut the drinking back. I still drink but only a beer a night. I rock. Can't wait to hear about your trip.
Sorry to hear about your daughter. I had a friend though who had scoliosis and not only was just fine, but she did a lot of modeling! Yoga rocks. I need to try pilates some time. Congratz on the health kick! I am working out and eating awesome and have cut the drinking back. I still drink but only a beer a night. I rock. Can't wait to hear about your trip.
Bikram is a styel of hot yoga. There are plenty of classes that teach "power yoga" that is not Bikram. Bikram is a man who teaches that style, Bikram yoga is taught by people who are certified by him. There is other kinds that are ot his reachings, done in a hot room. I HAVE to have classes, or i just don't schedule it in as much.
Hope that all is well with your daughter.
Hope that all is well with your daughter.
Congratz on your stores! And on the no saucin. I think I need to do the same thing sometime soon.