im fuckin depressed lately. im tired of my life. im tired of being so in debt that i still have to live in my parents basement. im tired of being alone. i think im damned to live this life on my own and not have anyone to share the days with. and alot of people just say "oh youll find someone some day" but thats total fairytale bullshit. so many people in this world die alone. theres no such thing as someone for everyone, and even if there is, its impossible to go around and meet EVERYONE in the world. i dont know. i guess im just tired of the way the world works out most the time. and most of all im tired of all the bullshit. why do humans feel the need to fill their lives with bullshit? is it for self destructive perposes? boredom? ignorance? who knows. whatever. im done now. oh and also. im fucking tired of all the SG sets here, they all look the same. same looks, same attitude, same old shit. i dont even look at the sets anymore, i just stop in to check my groups everyonce and a while and to see how my sg friends are doin.

And... uh... i'll tell Tim and Eric you said hi! lol! Yeah, like i'll get to talk to them... hehe. But i hope you start feeling better soon.
Miss you kiddo!