So i updated my journal picture. It was a picture I took from my camera phone.. Yes I now have a camera phone. My nokia is almost no longer, goodbye Cingular, hello sprint. Doesn't really matter, just a new plan and new phone. Michael and I are now sharing minutes. OMG...
Lately I've been on a rollercoaster. Well, it's a usual thing but it's gotten a bit worse. Lots of self doubt and nothing to stop it. Just bunches of insanity my way. I am just thinking about different things of us. What we are going to do about the next couple of years? Am I going to be 30 before I am married, to him or am I going to have realize that I am not going to do anything traditional. I feel like I will be the English teacher at the university who just has work, seminars, and long talks about nothing. I will have to go home alone to my books, my pictures of family and friends, places I've been, and no one to share them with.
See my mind, my own self doubt, it's killing me. It's stopping me from being sucessful and living my life to the fullest. Why? Not certain.... How to make it stop? Even less certain...
Lately I've been on a rollercoaster. Well, it's a usual thing but it's gotten a bit worse. Lots of self doubt and nothing to stop it. Just bunches of insanity my way. I am just thinking about different things of us. What we are going to do about the next couple of years? Am I going to be 30 before I am married, to him or am I going to have realize that I am not going to do anything traditional. I feel like I will be the English teacher at the university who just has work, seminars, and long talks about nothing. I will have to go home alone to my books, my pictures of family and friends, places I've been, and no one to share them with.
See my mind, my own self doubt, it's killing me. It's stopping me from being sucessful and living my life to the fullest. Why? Not certain.... How to make it stop? Even less certain...
Have you heard from Gen today. I cant get through I though she might call you. Let me know If you hear from her. Damn Hurricane....Wait are you OK. Did your part of florida get hit too?
Thank you. You are both in my prayers. Best of luck and let her know I care.