My brother is a prick. I just thought that I would let everyone know, he is a prick.... Hum. How do I describe as to why he is this way.. Oh I know. I will go into my handy dandy message archive on Yahoo! and paste it here... for all of the world to read,
pandafly_99 (5:13:32 PM): hey robert
robeara10 (5:13:48 PM): hey how are you doing
pandafly_99 (5:13:54 PM): doing find
pandafly_99 (5:13:56 PM): fine
robeara10 (5:14:03 PM): i am fine
pandafly_99 (5:14:05 PM): going home for a few days this month
pandafly_99 (5:14:09 PM): Misty's wedding
robeara10 (5:14:18 PM): oh who is she marrying
pandafly_99 (5:14:23 PM): some guy
pandafly_99 (5:14:33 PM): from Denim Springs, Louisianma
pandafly_99 (5:15:02 PM): have you been busy?
robeara10 (5:15:18 PM): a little
pandafly_99 (5:15:26 PM): oh
robeara10 (5:15:29 PM): woeing pregant women
pandafly_99 (5:15:35 PM): mom said she hadn't heard from you in awhile...
pandafly_99 (5:15:39 PM): who's pregnant?
robeara10 (5:15:44 PM): no one
robeara10 (5:15:48 PM): it was a joke
pandafly_99 (5:15:48 PM): oh
pandafly_99 (5:15:50 PM): ok...
robeara10 (5:15:56 PM): and i just dont call anyone anymore
pandafly_99 (5:16:04 PM): yeah,,,,
pandafly_99 (5:16:05 PM): but
robeara10 (5:16:10 PM): but what?\
pandafly_99 (5:16:17 PM): but she's your mom
robeara10 (5:17:03 PM): she is my mom but it is all good
robeara10 (5:17:13 PM): i dont have to call home
pandafly_99 (5:17:36 PM): yeah
pandafly_99 (5:18:26 PM): did you get pictures of Alexia?
robeara10 (5:18:47 PM): yes
robeara10 (5:18:48 PM): i did
robeara10 (5:18:56 PM): she is a ugly baby
pandafly_99 (5:19:09 PM): she's not an ugly baby
pandafly_99 (5:19:13 PM): she looks like robin
pandafly_99 (5:19:19 PM): she's stressed b/c of the birth
pandafly_99 (5:19:23 PM): but other than that she's cute
pandafly_99 (5:19:33 PM): lylans baby is a poker
robeara10 (5:19:35 PM): she is really ugly
pandafly_99 (5:19:36 PM): porker
robeara10 (5:19:43 PM): he is cute
pandafly_99 (5:20:00 PM): lol he's so fat and cute
robeara10 (5:20:12 PM): not really fate
robeara10 (5:20:17 PM): he looks like chat
pandafly_99 (5:20:18 PM): yeah he is
robeara10 (5:20:44 PM): he is stressed because of birth
pandafly_99 (5:20:55 PM): er,, he's like 5 months old
pandafly_99 (5:21:11 PM): we are moving
pandafly_99 (5:21:16 PM): to an apartment
robeara10 (5:21:17 PM): who are we?
pandafly_99 (5:21:18 PM): another one
pandafly_99 (5:21:21 PM): michael and me
robeara10 (5:22:33 PM): why
pandafly_99 (5:22:47 PM): b/c we have a roommate now
pandafly_99 (5:22:53 PM): and the other place is bigger
robeara10 (5:23:10 PM): oh i see
robeara10 (5:24:01 PM): having fin?
robeara10 (5:24:03 PM): fun
pandafly_99 (5:24:17 PM): i'm making it
pandafly_99 (5:24:20 PM): school didn't work out
pandafly_99 (5:24:23 PM): so what can you do
pandafly_99 (5:24:31 PM): i'm paying back loans and working
robeara10 (5:24:37 PM): i understand
pandafly_99 (5:25:02 PM): that car i bought from grandma is probably on it's last couple of months
robeara10 (5:25:43 PM): that sucks
pandafly_99 (5:26:22 PM): yeah it's ok
pandafly_99 (5:26:34 PM): after we move i will see about what do to with it
pandafly_99 (5:26:42 PM): it may just be a transmission problem
robeara10 (5:27:41 PM): maybe
pandafly_99 (5:27:51 PM): it's a bit pricey but i don't want a new or newer used car
pandafly_99 (5:27:59 PM): i just want this one to last for about 5-10 years
robeara10 (5:28:29 PM): mine will
pandafly_99 (5:28:36 PM): yeah
pandafly_99 (5:29:26 PM): i haven't talked to our sperm donor lately
robeara10 (5:29:35 PM): me ethier
robeara10 (5:29:49 PM): why should we
pandafly_99 (5:29:59 PM): i dont' know
robeara10 (5:32:10 PM): i dont really talk to anyone from home
pandafly_99 (5:32:33 PM): well you should talk to your mother, other than that, it's up to you
robeara10 (5:33:00 PM): well i dont really know about that
pandafly_99 (5:33:20 PM): what don't you know about
pandafly_99 (5:34:02 PM): about not talking to other people?
pandafly_99 (5:34:07 PM): or about talking to your mom
robeara10 (5:34:15 PM): i have no reason to call her
robeara10 (5:34:20 PM): ther is no point
pandafly_99 (5:34:43 PM): there's no point for calling the person that not only birthed you, she also worked two jobs
pandafly_99 (5:34:57 PM): she waited to eat after you did, just so you would be filled
pandafly_99 (5:35:08 PM): so your tummy would be full while hers was not
robeara10 (5:35:22 PM): cool
robeara10 (5:35:35 PM): i have no reason to call
pandafly_99 (5:35:40 PM): just to say hello
pandafly_99 (5:35:53 PM): last time she called you, you answered the phone "what do you want"
robeara10 (5:36:05 PM): i did
pandafly_99 (5:36:21 PM): why?
robeara10 (5:36:33 PM): because i was working
pandafly_99 (5:36:46 PM): you don't find that offensive?
pandafly_99 (5:36:57 PM): if you are working, don't bring the phone or just send her to voice mail
pandafly_99 (5:37:15 PM): why are you so pissed at her
robeara10 (5:37:22 PM): because
robeara10 (5:37:27 PM): it doesnt matte
pandafly_99 (5:37:29 PM): it does
robeara10 (5:37:36 PM): no
pandafly_99 (5:37:37 PM): you don't have to hear her be sad
robeara10 (5:37:42 PM): i have my life
robeara10 (5:37:51 PM): she has hers
pandafly_99 (5:37:52 PM): for which you owe to your mom
robeara10 (5:38:07 PM): no i owe her respect
robeara10 (5:38:12 PM): i dont owe her my life
pandafly_99 (5:38:16 PM): which you don't even show her
pandafly_99 (5:38:30 PM): did you call her for mother's day
robeara10 (5:38:36 PM): yes
pandafly_99 (5:38:45 PM): she works later, maybe you should call her
robeara10 (5:38:49 PM): stop bothering me about it
pandafly_99 (5:38:52 PM): why?
robeara10 (5:38:58 PM): because
robeara10 (5:39:10 PM): you are make angery
pandafly_99 (5:39:15 PM): you make me angry
pandafly_99 (5:39:17 PM): mom loves you
robeara10 (5:39:36 PM): ys
pandafly_99 (5:39:39 PM): all of that God bullshit i had to hear from you
robeara10 (5:39:43 PM): no
robeara10 (5:39:56 PM): i dont need to call mom
pandafly_99 (5:40:02 PM): yes you do
pandafly_99 (5:40:09 PM): you just need to call her to say hello
robeara10 (5:40:17 PM): she will be fine
pandafly_99 (5:40:28 PM): ok well i have to go, love you take care
robeara10 (5:40:33 PM): later
I had to leave him after a bit. I was going to blow!
He has this crazed idea that my mother helped pay for college... She didn't, took loans out for what my scholarships didn't pay for. For the time I was in college, i lived at home about 3 months out of the year. He's just a bit selfish and an asshole. It made me want to cry. I love my mom very much and she worked very hard to help pull us out of poverty, extreme living out of the car, sleeping at family members, working two jobs, going to night class kind of shit. And my brother... Just spits on it. He's such a little fucker.
pandafly_99 (5:13:32 PM): hey robert
robeara10 (5:13:48 PM): hey how are you doing
pandafly_99 (5:13:54 PM): doing find
pandafly_99 (5:13:56 PM): fine
robeara10 (5:14:03 PM): i am fine
pandafly_99 (5:14:05 PM): going home for a few days this month
pandafly_99 (5:14:09 PM): Misty's wedding
robeara10 (5:14:18 PM): oh who is she marrying
pandafly_99 (5:14:23 PM): some guy
pandafly_99 (5:14:33 PM): from Denim Springs, Louisianma
pandafly_99 (5:15:02 PM): have you been busy?
robeara10 (5:15:18 PM): a little
pandafly_99 (5:15:26 PM): oh
robeara10 (5:15:29 PM): woeing pregant women
pandafly_99 (5:15:35 PM): mom said she hadn't heard from you in awhile...
pandafly_99 (5:15:39 PM): who's pregnant?
robeara10 (5:15:44 PM): no one
robeara10 (5:15:48 PM): it was a joke
pandafly_99 (5:15:48 PM): oh
pandafly_99 (5:15:50 PM): ok...
robeara10 (5:15:56 PM): and i just dont call anyone anymore
pandafly_99 (5:16:04 PM): yeah,,,,
pandafly_99 (5:16:05 PM): but
robeara10 (5:16:10 PM): but what?\
pandafly_99 (5:16:17 PM): but she's your mom
robeara10 (5:17:03 PM): she is my mom but it is all good
robeara10 (5:17:13 PM): i dont have to call home
pandafly_99 (5:17:36 PM): yeah
pandafly_99 (5:18:26 PM): did you get pictures of Alexia?
robeara10 (5:18:47 PM): yes
robeara10 (5:18:48 PM): i did
robeara10 (5:18:56 PM): she is a ugly baby
pandafly_99 (5:19:09 PM): she's not an ugly baby
pandafly_99 (5:19:13 PM): she looks like robin
pandafly_99 (5:19:19 PM): she's stressed b/c of the birth
pandafly_99 (5:19:23 PM): but other than that she's cute
pandafly_99 (5:19:33 PM): lylans baby is a poker
robeara10 (5:19:35 PM): she is really ugly
pandafly_99 (5:19:36 PM): porker
robeara10 (5:19:43 PM): he is cute
pandafly_99 (5:20:00 PM): lol he's so fat and cute
robeara10 (5:20:12 PM): not really fate
robeara10 (5:20:17 PM): he looks like chat
pandafly_99 (5:20:18 PM): yeah he is
robeara10 (5:20:44 PM): he is stressed because of birth
pandafly_99 (5:20:55 PM): er,, he's like 5 months old
pandafly_99 (5:21:11 PM): we are moving
pandafly_99 (5:21:16 PM): to an apartment
robeara10 (5:21:17 PM): who are we?
pandafly_99 (5:21:18 PM): another one
pandafly_99 (5:21:21 PM): michael and me
robeara10 (5:22:33 PM): why
pandafly_99 (5:22:47 PM): b/c we have a roommate now
pandafly_99 (5:22:53 PM): and the other place is bigger
robeara10 (5:23:10 PM): oh i see
robeara10 (5:24:01 PM): having fin?
robeara10 (5:24:03 PM): fun
pandafly_99 (5:24:17 PM): i'm making it
pandafly_99 (5:24:20 PM): school didn't work out
pandafly_99 (5:24:23 PM): so what can you do
pandafly_99 (5:24:31 PM): i'm paying back loans and working
robeara10 (5:24:37 PM): i understand
pandafly_99 (5:25:02 PM): that car i bought from grandma is probably on it's last couple of months
robeara10 (5:25:43 PM): that sucks
pandafly_99 (5:26:22 PM): yeah it's ok
pandafly_99 (5:26:34 PM): after we move i will see about what do to with it
pandafly_99 (5:26:42 PM): it may just be a transmission problem
robeara10 (5:27:41 PM): maybe
pandafly_99 (5:27:51 PM): it's a bit pricey but i don't want a new or newer used car
pandafly_99 (5:27:59 PM): i just want this one to last for about 5-10 years
robeara10 (5:28:29 PM): mine will
pandafly_99 (5:28:36 PM): yeah
pandafly_99 (5:29:26 PM): i haven't talked to our sperm donor lately
robeara10 (5:29:35 PM): me ethier
robeara10 (5:29:49 PM): why should we
pandafly_99 (5:29:59 PM): i dont' know
robeara10 (5:32:10 PM): i dont really talk to anyone from home
pandafly_99 (5:32:33 PM): well you should talk to your mother, other than that, it's up to you
robeara10 (5:33:00 PM): well i dont really know about that
pandafly_99 (5:33:20 PM): what don't you know about
pandafly_99 (5:34:02 PM): about not talking to other people?
pandafly_99 (5:34:07 PM): or about talking to your mom
robeara10 (5:34:15 PM): i have no reason to call her
robeara10 (5:34:20 PM): ther is no point
pandafly_99 (5:34:43 PM): there's no point for calling the person that not only birthed you, she also worked two jobs
pandafly_99 (5:34:57 PM): she waited to eat after you did, just so you would be filled
pandafly_99 (5:35:08 PM): so your tummy would be full while hers was not
robeara10 (5:35:22 PM): cool
robeara10 (5:35:35 PM): i have no reason to call
pandafly_99 (5:35:40 PM): just to say hello
pandafly_99 (5:35:53 PM): last time she called you, you answered the phone "what do you want"
robeara10 (5:36:05 PM): i did
pandafly_99 (5:36:21 PM): why?
robeara10 (5:36:33 PM): because i was working
pandafly_99 (5:36:46 PM): you don't find that offensive?
pandafly_99 (5:36:57 PM): if you are working, don't bring the phone or just send her to voice mail
pandafly_99 (5:37:15 PM): why are you so pissed at her
robeara10 (5:37:22 PM): because
robeara10 (5:37:27 PM): it doesnt matte
pandafly_99 (5:37:29 PM): it does
robeara10 (5:37:36 PM): no
pandafly_99 (5:37:37 PM): you don't have to hear her be sad
robeara10 (5:37:42 PM): i have my life
robeara10 (5:37:51 PM): she has hers
pandafly_99 (5:37:52 PM): for which you owe to your mom
robeara10 (5:38:07 PM): no i owe her respect
robeara10 (5:38:12 PM): i dont owe her my life
pandafly_99 (5:38:16 PM): which you don't even show her
pandafly_99 (5:38:30 PM): did you call her for mother's day
robeara10 (5:38:36 PM): yes
pandafly_99 (5:38:45 PM): she works later, maybe you should call her
robeara10 (5:38:49 PM): stop bothering me about it
pandafly_99 (5:38:52 PM): why?
robeara10 (5:38:58 PM): because
robeara10 (5:39:10 PM): you are make angery
pandafly_99 (5:39:15 PM): you make me angry
pandafly_99 (5:39:17 PM): mom loves you
robeara10 (5:39:36 PM): ys
pandafly_99 (5:39:39 PM): all of that God bullshit i had to hear from you
robeara10 (5:39:43 PM): no
robeara10 (5:39:56 PM): i dont need to call mom
pandafly_99 (5:40:02 PM): yes you do
pandafly_99 (5:40:09 PM): you just need to call her to say hello
robeara10 (5:40:17 PM): she will be fine
pandafly_99 (5:40:28 PM): ok well i have to go, love you take care
robeara10 (5:40:33 PM): later
I had to leave him after a bit. I was going to blow!
He has this crazed idea that my mother helped pay for college... She didn't, took loans out for what my scholarships didn't pay for. For the time I was in college, i lived at home about 3 months out of the year. He's just a bit selfish and an asshole. It made me want to cry. I love my mom very much and she worked very hard to help pull us out of poverty, extreme living out of the car, sleeping at family members, working two jobs, going to night class kind of shit. And my brother... Just spits on it. He's such a little fucker.
Resent and bitterness is a very hard thing to overcome and move past to see through to what is important. You have to give him time to work through it. A little gentle nagging will at least keep it fresh in his mind so that he might see the pain he is causing her, but if you push too hard, he'll go in the opposite direction.