So my cutie pie got in an accident the other day. Now the car is out of commision. At least for awhile
It's the lady's fault, she pulled into oncoming traffic when she was suppose to YEILD to it. I wasn't in the car and he was actually going to a job fair for work to recruit some new folks. But of course we work in a shady place that won't care , hell, his super asked about the job fair and as an afterthought asked them if they were ok. STUPID place.
We are going to start looking for a new place. There is this SWEET apartment complex near to work. It's a one bedroom and will be available in August. Perhaps we will rock!

It's the lady's fault, she pulled into oncoming traffic when she was suppose to YEILD to it. I wasn't in the car and he was actually going to a job fair for work to recruit some new folks. But of course we work in a shady place that won't care , hell, his super asked about the job fair and as an afterthought asked them if they were ok. STUPID place.
We are going to start looking for a new place. There is this SWEET apartment complex near to work. It's a one bedroom and will be available in August. Perhaps we will rock!
actually you know what, sometimes I don't feel like I'm doing enough. I think that's just the self-torturing side of me talking...
i'd like to think that I'll me better after the invitations go out, i've set the deadline in my head for the end of the month, but I still haven't gotten the addresses from the boy--and as much as I keep asking and asking, he just asn't given them to me. so i'm tired of nagging him. so i don't know what's going to happen with that...
[Edited on Apr 24, 2005 11:38AM]