SO I am sitting here waiting and watching the cable guy install us some cable (hick voice required to read that comment btw). He looks like he is trying to get this done ASAP. Which is fine by me because I have to finish doing my cleaning. I was watching Crybaby but that was on satellite so I had to stop that to get the cable.
I've been a total bitch lately. And not in the I'm proud of my bitchy ways either. I mean just one moment and snap! There she blows. I swear! It just starts coming out of my mouth. I'm sure that Michael really wants to shake me. He's done a good job at not taking the bait. I know that it has to be because of the stressors in my life right now....
1. I'm still trying to get out of my relationship with Wensly without totally hurting him
2. I really want some real furniture, not the plastic stuff we have right now, I know it's a stupid reason to be stressed but my room is so junky right now I can't think
3. I really want to believe that this is it. Michael and me, I don't feel like I am settling. I see myself with him and it's really scary to think that he may not feel the same way. I know that I am here and he wants me here. He could have just moved in with Terry alone. I just get to that point of self doubt. And the psychotic part of all of this is that I'm angry because I don't know how he really feels because I'm too afraid to ask, I get more angry because I want him to know how I feel and obviously he's not reading my mind, damn him
. It's just a vicious cycle that I don't know how to stop.
4. I am getting rounder. I'm not gaining weight but I feel like I am. My saddle bags are seeming to get a bit smaller but I'm not certain if they are getting smaller or the mounds of flesh they are connected to are getting larger. We walked two times already this week, but I will walk again today once Michael gets home.
5. I need friends. other than Michael and Terry. Someone to go shopping with and have coffee. Someone seperate from work and this house.
Ah... Ok.
Happiness. WE had sushi last night. It was great. I love the stuff. One of these days I will be able to have sushi everyday if i'd like. I'd like too of course. Smoked salmon yum, masago,,,yum YUM YUM... I want some more isn't that just sad?
Hugs and kisses

I've been a total bitch lately. And not in the I'm proud of my bitchy ways either. I mean just one moment and snap! There she blows. I swear! It just starts coming out of my mouth. I'm sure that Michael really wants to shake me. He's done a good job at not taking the bait. I know that it has to be because of the stressors in my life right now....
1. I'm still trying to get out of my relationship with Wensly without totally hurting him
2. I really want some real furniture, not the plastic stuff we have right now, I know it's a stupid reason to be stressed but my room is so junky right now I can't think
3. I really want to believe that this is it. Michael and me, I don't feel like I am settling. I see myself with him and it's really scary to think that he may not feel the same way. I know that I am here and he wants me here. He could have just moved in with Terry alone. I just get to that point of self doubt. And the psychotic part of all of this is that I'm angry because I don't know how he really feels because I'm too afraid to ask, I get more angry because I want him to know how I feel and obviously he's not reading my mind, damn him

4. I am getting rounder. I'm not gaining weight but I feel like I am. My saddle bags are seeming to get a bit smaller but I'm not certain if they are getting smaller or the mounds of flesh they are connected to are getting larger. We walked two times already this week, but I will walk again today once Michael gets home.
5. I need friends. other than Michael and Terry. Someone to go shopping with and have coffee. Someone seperate from work and this house.
Ah... Ok.
Happiness. WE had sushi last night. It was great. I love the stuff. One of these days I will be able to have sushi everyday if i'd like. I'd like too of course. Smoked salmon yum, masago,,,yum YUM YUM... I want some more isn't that just sad?
Hugs and kisses

two: johnny depps gret performance
three: come on tracy lords best..wellll sweet 69 was good two, but iggy pop was great too... above rants.
for furniture go on ebay an do a search by location, boom done, i got all my viantge crap that way, just apply a lil elbow grease an its done a whole room for like 400$ plus some kitche stuff too.
to tell if true love is true love see how he kisses you, one of those passonate i want you forever ones, or if when he kisses its short an sweet an to the point, when i loves this one girl.....sigh.....i made every kiss feel like the last one i would ever had, becaue deep down i didnt want to go not knowing that she knew i loved her........a few months later however she "cheated" on me an that was that. sushi= ..........happiness, get unagi next time trust me.
I think i like your hair either know how to handle it reall short and you dont let it get to long and raggeddy...maybe some big honey colored that too much for your job now?