Ok. So it's Thursday morning. ANd I'm awake at 6 am for no reason. We'll not for any reason. I am watching Michael get ready and if I weren't watching him. He'd be making noise.
Anyways. How about that Tsuanmi? Horrible. This guy said something interesting on a radio talk show, be thankful for the things you don't have. Like malaria, unclean water, etc. So true. I think that many people are obsessed with the things they do have they don't think about the things they don't have that would make life a bit harder. Not to mention people were complaining about the US giving money to another country. I am however in the part of the state that got hit by a hurricane. Which some people, so they say still have leaky roofs and stuff like that. Which I know majorly sucks. I feel sorry for them as well but I think that they should have other recourse and the ability to lobby their congressman. Interesting point is that the US has the ability to correct those types of disasters, the reasources and the know how. That makes us and other developed countries way different from the under developed world. I'm some where in the middle of the road. I don't have an extreme view that we should give everything to a disaster area in other countries nor do I feel we should do nothing. I do know what it is like to have nothing. To be living on the street and the government telling your parent that they make too much money for welfare or food stamps but you still go hungry. So it's not like I don't know what is needed in our own country or that I feel that we shouldn't take care of our own as well.
Anyways. Enough I guess of me being a bleeding heart. But I do it so well.
Anyways. How about that Tsuanmi? Horrible. This guy said something interesting on a radio talk show, be thankful for the things you don't have. Like malaria, unclean water, etc. So true. I think that many people are obsessed with the things they do have they don't think about the things they don't have that would make life a bit harder. Not to mention people were complaining about the US giving money to another country. I am however in the part of the state that got hit by a hurricane. Which some people, so they say still have leaky roofs and stuff like that. Which I know majorly sucks. I feel sorry for them as well but I think that they should have other recourse and the ability to lobby their congressman. Interesting point is that the US has the ability to correct those types of disasters, the reasources and the know how. That makes us and other developed countries way different from the under developed world. I'm some where in the middle of the road. I don't have an extreme view that we should give everything to a disaster area in other countries nor do I feel we should do nothing. I do know what it is like to have nothing. To be living on the street and the government telling your parent that they make too much money for welfare or food stamps but you still go hungry. So it's not like I don't know what is needed in our own country or that I feel that we shouldn't take care of our own as well.
Anyways. Enough I guess of me being a bleeding heart. But I do it so well.

i know...the toys are sort of growing on me in some strange way.

Hope you have a Happy GNU year, and like last time, If you Drinky You no drivey...