So I went to the movies with Wensly today (my actual real boyfriend that I'm living with until Thursday morning at 7 am). We saw Blade III.. I don't know what to say about that. It wasn't a HORRIBLE movie but it wasn't great either. Hum. Just one of those things that I did that took a few hours of my life but it's ok.
I started to clean up my packing boxes. Hell I've yet to unpack. I don't think that I have effectively stayed in one place for longer than 6 months in the last 5 1/2 years. Part of it is because of college of course since I'd go there for a couple of months, go home for a bit, and then back. It's just weird. I don't have real furniture, just those white plastic drawers, really good to wipe clean, tacky at best. Perhaps I will paint them or something, which would make them more of an eye sore, but that's me... A spazed out drag queen woman, bad combo.
I was looking at Jessica Beal, Jennifer Beal? The chick off of 7th heaven that is in the blade movie. Her body is very well defined. I don't know if I should be envious or scared. Scared more than anything. But I like her face.
Ok. Today is going well. No fights with W and I've been giving him most of my attention. I have to. He's calling. Have to go.
I started to clean up my packing boxes. Hell I've yet to unpack. I don't think that I have effectively stayed in one place for longer than 6 months in the last 5 1/2 years. Part of it is because of college of course since I'd go there for a couple of months, go home for a bit, and then back. It's just weird. I don't have real furniture, just those white plastic drawers, really good to wipe clean, tacky at best. Perhaps I will paint them or something, which would make them more of an eye sore, but that's me... A spazed out drag queen woman, bad combo.
I was looking at Jessica Beal, Jennifer Beal? The chick off of 7th heaven that is in the blade movie. Her body is very well defined. I don't know if I should be envious or scared. Scared more than anything. But I like her face.
Ok. Today is going well. No fights with W and I've been giving him most of my attention. I have to. He's calling. Have to go.
I'd give you a hug if I was nearby

So what does W actually think is going to happen on thursday.....I assume that your relationship with him is in essence over right?