I am at times the most horrible person in the world. I think mostly when it comes to my arguing with Wensly. I say shit that doesn't make sense.. Certainly doesn't make me feel better and pushes him to tell me...
When can you leave? No seriously, when can you leave?
My response to that was.. After the 15th.. Then I will have the funds.. Fuck if i dont go to florida I will leave.
But part of me feels like I should want to salvage part of this relationship. Even if it's the friendship. But how can I when I'm so wrong at times. I admit it.. I'm fucking wrong. But I dare not tell W... Ego is such a problem with almost everyone...
When can you leave? No seriously, when can you leave?
My response to that was.. After the 15th.. Then I will have the funds.. Fuck if i dont go to florida I will leave.
But part of me feels like I should want to salvage part of this relationship. Even if it's the friendship. But how can I when I'm so wrong at times. I admit it.. I'm fucking wrong. But I dare not tell W... Ego is such a problem with almost everyone...

well crap...email me the original and I'll do it for you!! ITs making me crazy because its a really good pic of you but looks stupid all stretchy!
ha ha...i'm an idiot. I told you Serendipidy earlier when i meant Seraphim