So yes. Today wasn't a good day. Wensly and I had a bit of turbulance. Well Hell not just a bit. I snapped at him because he wasn't listening to the explanation between the infomercial channel and the damn home shopping network. Ok. Something so simple. but I gritted my teeth and talked through them. Which pissed him off and he started to ignore me. Which isn't a good thing to do to me.. Usually I would have started crying and begging him to stop ignoring me... But I felt as if I shouldn't have to do that. So instead... I left.. I was waiting for him to talk to me before I showered, after, when I was cleaning my makeup brushes.. nothing... So I got dressed and waited.... He decided to take a shower. So I decided to leave. When he called me I told him that I was going to Walmart for some body soap and that I didn't know what else I may be doing. That I was going to just go because he was ignoring me anyways and what was the point of me staying in the house. he said fine, bye... And that was that.
Instead. I spent my day with Michael. Something that seems to be happening more and more each day. Which is ok, because I am working my way to moving to Miami.. However, if it doesn't work like it should.. I will be moving back to new orleans.. Do you hear that Genevieve? That's my only other option. I don't think that I can handle being here any longer. Not that I don't care for Wensly because I do. But one, I don't want to be someone's military wife just tagging along. I need my own career and my own set of rules. It's all nuts.. Very...
Missing my laptop a whole hell of a lot. That wonderful sexy grey piece of plastic/metal with all of those small chips and the dvd/cd burner... my music and pictures.. that fucking sucks you know.. queen of the not backing crap up.. i looked at a jump drive a bit ago and didn't get one.. what's up with that huh? arugh!!!
Ok I'm reeling that emotion in. I'm going to go pick up the house because evidently I'm the only fucking person who knows how to do it... Swear there are two people that live in this house.. I must be mistaken.. Oh fucking well.. Besides. I'm going to put on my favorite little black pleated skirt with my I love dorks shirt and go out with Michael after he gets from his dinner with the coworkers.. Yummy.. Undies or no undies? What the hell am I asking that for? We don't even have sex... Guess it's just the thrill of the thought...
Instead. I spent my day with Michael. Something that seems to be happening more and more each day. Which is ok, because I am working my way to moving to Miami.. However, if it doesn't work like it should.. I will be moving back to new orleans.. Do you hear that Genevieve? That's my only other option. I don't think that I can handle being here any longer. Not that I don't care for Wensly because I do. But one, I don't want to be someone's military wife just tagging along. I need my own career and my own set of rules. It's all nuts.. Very...
Missing my laptop a whole hell of a lot. That wonderful sexy grey piece of plastic/metal with all of those small chips and the dvd/cd burner... my music and pictures.. that fucking sucks you know.. queen of the not backing crap up.. i looked at a jump drive a bit ago and didn't get one.. what's up with that huh? arugh!!!
Ok I'm reeling that emotion in. I'm going to go pick up the house because evidently I'm the only fucking person who knows how to do it... Swear there are two people that live in this house.. I must be mistaken.. Oh fucking well.. Besides. I'm going to put on my favorite little black pleated skirt with my I love dorks shirt and go out with Michael after he gets from his dinner with the coworkers.. Yummy.. Undies or no undies? What the hell am I asking that for? We don't even have sex... Guess it's just the thrill of the thought...
thats just weird
cool on the moving and change though
moving and change are good
i think im stayin up all night
i gotta get my sleep schedule on track again
ive been staying up all night and missing the days
im gettin lots of work done though
lots of writing
hopefully ill get some short stories published