I had the greatest of all crepes today at IHOP. Carmel and apple.. Not really good for me and voids the whole i'm getting chunky thing. It's always a wish that I would wake up and things are how they are suppose to be.. But then again, I do wake up and things are how they are which means how they are suppose to be..
I spent the last couple of hours with Michael. A common occurance during the week after my job and his... And my nightly walk (2 miles yeah!) We spent a couple of hours near the riverfront, fumbling like high schoolers in the back of a rental car. It was great and I have the little whelps on my tummy to prove it. We never get any further than the kissing and touching. Which is okay.. But if I were a dude, I'd have some serious blue balls...
Wensly isn't home and it's almost 1 am.. But it's ok.. He's waiting for his already paid copy of Halo. Now I know that I am suppose to be all like, Halo 2.. One of the greatest games made since Halo. But I dont care and i hope that he is quiet when he gets home. I'm not crazy about anything like that. I hate noise for no reason. And sometimes games are like that for me... Except for DDR!!! I love DDR but I have no pad or game so other than yahoo Bounce out or Collaspe, eh, it's all lost on me..
I thought it looked more like a pirate and not a black eye...
I spent the last couple of hours with Michael. A common occurance during the week after my job and his... And my nightly walk (2 miles yeah!) We spent a couple of hours near the riverfront, fumbling like high schoolers in the back of a rental car. It was great and I have the little whelps on my tummy to prove it. We never get any further than the kissing and touching. Which is okay.. But if I were a dude, I'd have some serious blue balls...
Wensly isn't home and it's almost 1 am.. But it's ok.. He's waiting for his already paid copy of Halo. Now I know that I am suppose to be all like, Halo 2.. One of the greatest games made since Halo. But I dont care and i hope that he is quiet when he gets home. I'm not crazy about anything like that. I hate noise for no reason. And sometimes games are like that for me... Except for DDR!!! I love DDR but I have no pad or game so other than yahoo Bounce out or Collaspe, eh, it's all lost on me..