Wierd thing that I saw for the day. We are watching SNL reruns with the Ben Afflick and they had some skit about The passion of the dummy with fake George Bush commericals. On the second commerical there were cats boxing. It was just strange because he was showing his little teeth like he was seriously upset. It was cute in a wierd animal maltreatment sort of way.
Still having trouble on the homefront. And though I received really good advice regarding what I should do I had to get the first part of the day out of the way by another discussion. I don't know when I will bring up the unhappiness I'm feeling right now about my relationship but I think I will let a few days go by because I don't want to make wensly think I'm just coming down on him. Also I have to completely gather my feelings and thoughts. I have a problem with being an asshole and sometimes saying shit I don't mean or I mean but shouldn't say. Still happens anyway. It's like I should be able to eat my words or grab them almost immediately as the come out before they break the wind and form sounds. But eh, that's not possible. Or how about a thought bubble. I could read it before it is said. Perhaps I would be able to filter things better.
My costume came in today. The bitch is tie up in the back and it has like these strings to tie at the ass. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5329627763&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT
it's like one of those costumes for plays that are quick to come off. I'll wear it anyway because I paid like 50 bucks for it and I HAD wanted it since july. Stupid costume. I will take pictures of the monstrousity tomorrow or so. Damn that piece of shit.
oh I had sushi tonight. Garlic tuna...YUM...null
Still having trouble on the homefront. And though I received really good advice regarding what I should do I had to get the first part of the day out of the way by another discussion. I don't know when I will bring up the unhappiness I'm feeling right now about my relationship but I think I will let a few days go by because I don't want to make wensly think I'm just coming down on him. Also I have to completely gather my feelings and thoughts. I have a problem with being an asshole and sometimes saying shit I don't mean or I mean but shouldn't say. Still happens anyway. It's like I should be able to eat my words or grab them almost immediately as the come out before they break the wind and form sounds. But eh, that's not possible. Or how about a thought bubble. I could read it before it is said. Perhaps I would be able to filter things better.
My costume came in today. The bitch is tie up in the back and it has like these strings to tie at the ass. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5329627763&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT
it's like one of those costumes for plays that are quick to come off. I'll wear it anyway because I paid like 50 bucks for it and I HAD wanted it since july. Stupid costume. I will take pictures of the monstrousity tomorrow or so. Damn that piece of shit.
oh I had sushi tonight. Garlic tuna...YUM...null
And to new orleans