I am watching scare tactics. It's kind of wierd. Sometimes I think it's set up. I hate how they don't carry out the joke a little further. It's like they have a good punchline but fuck up the delivery. ANd it's on about every single one of their set ups.
I love chocolate chip cookies. Even better than chocolate chip cookies are the ones from the fake Nieman Marcus Receipe. It's the best. THe oatmeal is blended so it's smooth.
I remember one time when my mother went out of town and Gen and I got super high and ate like 3 dozen of those damn cookies and then had to get some more of the ingredients to replace then ones we ate. Which leads me to the other memory, I was dressed up like Chaquita Bannana.. Crazy dried up wig and multi colored drag queen dress... We were walking down the street in the middle of the night and got stopped by a bunch of guys in a car. I really don't remember the conversation.. Which seems to be a running theme of my memories...
I think I should go...
I love chocolate chip cookies. Even better than chocolate chip cookies are the ones from the fake Nieman Marcus Receipe. It's the best. THe oatmeal is blended so it's smooth.
I remember one time when my mother went out of town and Gen and I got super high and ate like 3 dozen of those damn cookies and then had to get some more of the ingredients to replace then ones we ate. Which leads me to the other memory, I was dressed up like Chaquita Bannana.. Crazy dried up wig and multi colored drag queen dress... We were walking down the street in the middle of the night and got stopped by a bunch of guys in a car. I really don't remember the conversation.. Which seems to be a running theme of my memories...
I think I should go...
Dont worry thats about as much of that memory I remember as well. Oh, except for convincing Desmond that the joint we smoked was laced with LSD! HA! That was sooo funny! He started swearing that the tree was changing colors! Thats some good ganja eh? LOL!!!
you would produce some of the best porn! You would win at like the porn grammy's because you would produce porn the way we want to see it!