I have been dreading going to work lately. The office has been flawed with tension and I am quite tired of it. It's difficult because of company politics and attitudes and I have to confess.. I have an attitude to... Let me vent:
1. one of the girls treats another coworker like crap, she tried that shit on me a couple of months ago and I put her in her place...
2.. the same girl blares country music, bad fake techno, and yaps all day... the rest of us work, while she plays on the net
3. the payroll guy had his wife brought in, she's a bit stupid, nice but stupid, she follows the young girl and thinks she's not a backstabber, even though the girl let's call her "The captain" didn't want to help her teach Mrs Payroll anything
4. my direct boss and I were kicked out of our office for an ass kissing asshole that no one wants in the executive offices so we can't shut out the noise and stupidity
The guy directly in there said it's ok that the captain doesn't do work because when she does do work asked of her by top guns she does it correctly and efficiantly... Nevermind she should do all work this way. I refuse to fucking believe this and I will die with my integrity if I have to by not buying that bull crap.
However.. I will try to make today a new day and try to let it go. I can't get totally disconnected or otherwise I would need a new job. I will be grateful that I have learned alot about HR and I can take it ANYWHERE.
I will push myself to go with my gut and open a business of my own doing video on the side, while trying to become more confident.
By the way. I made this and my niece one too (which I have to send and I need the address :cough: ;cough
It's a stole... Knitted it myself...
Good day everyone.
1. one of the girls treats another coworker like crap, she tried that shit on me a couple of months ago and I put her in her place...
2.. the same girl blares country music, bad fake techno, and yaps all day... the rest of us work, while she plays on the net
3. the payroll guy had his wife brought in, she's a bit stupid, nice but stupid, she follows the young girl and thinks she's not a backstabber, even though the girl let's call her "The captain" didn't want to help her teach Mrs Payroll anything
4. my direct boss and I were kicked out of our office for an ass kissing asshole that no one wants in the executive offices so we can't shut out the noise and stupidity
The guy directly in there said it's ok that the captain doesn't do work because when she does do work asked of her by top guns she does it correctly and efficiantly... Nevermind she should do all work this way. I refuse to fucking believe this and I will die with my integrity if I have to by not buying that bull crap.
However.. I will try to make today a new day and try to let it go. I can't get totally disconnected or otherwise I would need a new job. I will be grateful that I have learned alot about HR and I can take it ANYWHERE.
I will push myself to go with my gut and open a business of my own doing video on the side, while trying to become more confident.
By the way. I made this and my niece one too (which I have to send and I need the address :cough: ;cough

It's a stole... Knitted it myself...
Good day everyone.
btw thats a cute shrug you knitted! im curently working on my first hat