To apologize or not to apologize, that is the question.
Friday, I snapped on a co-worker. The reason I did this is she's an idiot.. Plain out right and idiot. She is lazy and a backstabber, and I have taken on some of her responsibilities because of this. Self taken, but if I don't then it won't get done or done effectively. And she's a loaded gun, so if she has to deal with outside people, we don't know what she is saying or doing.
Anyways, I had a telephone conference with one of the venders to help with tech support of a machine we have from them. She told me it wasn't working, then while i was on the phone with their sales department, she was 'fixing' it, and when i asked her if it was done, she had excuses and then a long explanation about how sound works. I snapped, and said, I know how sound works i went to school for media production, what is wrong with the machine. She emailed me to tell me that I was out of line, and I was. I know I was, my boss read it and another high ranking coworker and they told me not to say anything. That's she's insane.. which she is... But all this weekend, I've felt like crap. And I've felt guilty. The reason is because I shouldn't act that way and i've let her work ethics and her personality get under my skin enough for me to not shrug off her actions words or personality. ARGUGH.
I feel like I should leave a post it to say, Sorry- Shaneka. ... BLAH.
And though I don't LOVE my job, I don't HATE it either. IT's not what I went to school for, but it's well paying and easy. And I can always work and do freelance,if ever given the chance.
Friday, I snapped on a co-worker. The reason I did this is she's an idiot.. Plain out right and idiot. She is lazy and a backstabber, and I have taken on some of her responsibilities because of this. Self taken, but if I don't then it won't get done or done effectively. And she's a loaded gun, so if she has to deal with outside people, we don't know what she is saying or doing.
Anyways, I had a telephone conference with one of the venders to help with tech support of a machine we have from them. She told me it wasn't working, then while i was on the phone with their sales department, she was 'fixing' it, and when i asked her if it was done, she had excuses and then a long explanation about how sound works. I snapped, and said, I know how sound works i went to school for media production, what is wrong with the machine. She emailed me to tell me that I was out of line, and I was. I know I was, my boss read it and another high ranking coworker and they told me not to say anything. That's she's insane.. which she is... But all this weekend, I've felt like crap. And I've felt guilty. The reason is because I shouldn't act that way and i've let her work ethics and her personality get under my skin enough for me to not shrug off her actions words or personality. ARGUGH.
I feel like I should leave a post it to say, Sorry- Shaneka. ... BLAH.
And though I don't LOVE my job, I don't HATE it either. IT's not what I went to school for, but it's well paying and easy. And I can always work and do freelance,if ever given the chance.

I did apologize... I felt compelled to do so. Mostly because she's not overtly mean just an idiot. BLAH I felt bad but now I feel better with me.