So when did I have to be the caretaker of people who were not my bestest of good friends? I mean, the ones that I know have already been tested and have returned the love and respect that I give in return? ......
Instead of the normal Christmas dinner, I decided to go eat out like last year (Korean). Then midweek a coworker/friend of mine started having trouble at home with his exboyfriend/co-owner of a condo and didn't want to go to his family's house. SO instead, I suggested to him to come with Michael and me, which i was really excited for. The antichristmas theme was so I didn't feel too lonely yet I was doing something memorable, until I have babies and what not. He comes over, drunk, not a normal probably, but he's an Alcoholic. He started drinking at a birthday party and didn't stop, that was friday. he didn't tell me before he came over.. Which I didn't want him to be alone anyway. We went to the Sushi place and he was a bit rude, way drunk and even though he paid for the bill... It was very uncomfortable. He asked for a drink the first moment in the house, and I gave him one, even though I didn't want to. I just felt pinned against a wall on that one.
Aside from that... I partook in some festivities with the neighbors for XMas eve. We drank and talked and I got to see my neighbors brown nipples
. I went to bed at 3:30 or something. Michael was passed out at 9. SO of course Michael was up at 6ish ready to open pressies... Me not so much. I got a 30 GB Dell Dj Mp3 player.. AWESOME... 15,000 songs.. and he is paying for the Napster subscription... AWESOME man.... AWESOME. I just got him a laptop case, some dvd's, a linux penguin and fish, and a \. sticker... Nothing as awesome as what he got me. Awesome for me.
SO anyways... I am really not certain what I am suppose to do about this friend... I don't want to shy away, he's in need and he has a disease, but I can not handle someone who doesn't want to help himself. He was going to meetings and stopped. I know he just fell off the wagon and will probably do so many times until he succeeds or dies...
I had a Christmas Oreo sandwich. The best part is the creme filling... I have one dysfuctional friend on one part of the cookie and the other is my heartache for my familiars, mom, gen, lyric, the rest of the family... The oreo filling was Michael, the cats, sushi, and the love that i have from the familiars.....................
Instead of the normal Christmas dinner, I decided to go eat out like last year (Korean). Then midweek a coworker/friend of mine started having trouble at home with his exboyfriend/co-owner of a condo and didn't want to go to his family's house. SO instead, I suggested to him to come with Michael and me, which i was really excited for. The antichristmas theme was so I didn't feel too lonely yet I was doing something memorable, until I have babies and what not. He comes over, drunk, not a normal probably, but he's an Alcoholic. He started drinking at a birthday party and didn't stop, that was friday. he didn't tell me before he came over.. Which I didn't want him to be alone anyway. We went to the Sushi place and he was a bit rude, way drunk and even though he paid for the bill... It was very uncomfortable. He asked for a drink the first moment in the house, and I gave him one, even though I didn't want to. I just felt pinned against a wall on that one.
Aside from that... I partook in some festivities with the neighbors for XMas eve. We drank and talked and I got to see my neighbors brown nipples

SO anyways... I am really not certain what I am suppose to do about this friend... I don't want to shy away, he's in need and he has a disease, but I can not handle someone who doesn't want to help himself. He was going to meetings and stopped. I know he just fell off the wagon and will probably do so many times until he succeeds or dies...
I had a Christmas Oreo sandwich. The best part is the creme filling... I have one dysfuctional friend on one part of the cookie and the other is my heartache for my familiars, mom, gen, lyric, the rest of the family... The oreo filling was Michael, the cats, sushi, and the love that i have from the familiars.....................
I thought this was interesting becuase, i'm a freak who obsesses about her weight...
I hear your man likes legos...