For me, suicide girls fall into 3 catagories.
The first one, would be the adorable cute ones that inspire you to act like the big brute from looney tunes. "I will love you and squeeze you and pet you and hug you and tie pretty pink ribbons in your hair and i will call you George. This group would be like Reagan and Quinne. The... Read More
Ah yes, nothing can turn a mood around than getting your first tattoo. Now this was an interesting spectacle in my life, it begins by asking someone to tattoo me, second, i find out her fiance is in jail, third, i find out he's in jail for activities with the Hell's Angels, Fourth, i find out a friend of her's that is there is wanted... Read More
Now, when i got my subscription to Suicide girls, i also got the DVD. And something really struck me when i watched it, right at the end, Shera talked about how, back in her home town, everyone will still be in that dingy bar in the same places. Now, i live that shit, and it's hard to change that. Even the people i know are... Read More