Holy Hell!
If you read my last post here's a little add on.
She's back living with him again.
Whut.....da fuck.
Okay, ladies...somebody...anybody....
Explain this one to me.
I know that it takes an average of 5 times for a woman to be beaten before she leaves the prick who is doing it.
I know that people will get comfortable with the devil they know, instead of tempting the devil they don't know.
I know women are not stupid.
I don't want to hear some rambling about some people just don't learn.
And i know there isn't a magic answer.
But does anyone have any kind of an idea.
Or something that might comfort me a little.
And don't say forget her as soon as you can.
Friends don't do that.
If you read my last post here's a little add on.
She's back living with him again.
Whut.....da fuck.
Okay, ladies...somebody...anybody....
Explain this one to me.
I know that it takes an average of 5 times for a woman to be beaten before she leaves the prick who is doing it.
I know that people will get comfortable with the devil they know, instead of tempting the devil they don't know.
I know women are not stupid.
I don't want to hear some rambling about some people just don't learn.
And i know there isn't a magic answer.
But does anyone have any kind of an idea.
Or something that might comfort me a little.
And don't say forget her as soon as you can.
Friends don't do that.