Lessons learned about the opposite sex.
In my experience, Women do the stupidest things.
I'm not saying every woman does stupid shit on a daily basis.
And i don't mean they put windshield washer fluid in their car instead of oil.
I mean the stupidest most self destructive behaviour is most often in my opinion, done by women.
Bold face lying, finding a boyfriend that will beat them and stay with his ass cause deep down under all that jealousy and hostility, he might be a good guy, you know, if he could find a job, and stop getting in fights, and stop getting drunk, and stop getting arrested, and stop beating her up, and stop taking her money and so on and so forth.
Recently my give a fuck has been broken, So i don't give a fuck.
There is a small percentage of my friends that i will drop everything for to give a helping hand to.
And yes, if one of those girl that I can't help but roll my eyes when they talk, is abused by they're boyfriends, I do help. Even with the ability to see the future and can see that they'll end up right back with them.
Ever hear that statement come out of a girls mouth, "Men are Assholes!"
and in the same breath say, "No offense to you"
Well, when all us knights in shining armour gather round, "Women are stupid" gets uttered a few times.
"No offense" to the wives and the girlfriends who are around bandaging our physical and emotional wounds suffered in the line of duty.
Chivalry isn't dead, it's just in a state of disbelief because of whats going on.
I'm gunna go have a Jack and Coke.
In my experience, Women do the stupidest things.
I'm not saying every woman does stupid shit on a daily basis.
And i don't mean they put windshield washer fluid in their car instead of oil.
I mean the stupidest most self destructive behaviour is most often in my opinion, done by women.
Bold face lying, finding a boyfriend that will beat them and stay with his ass cause deep down under all that jealousy and hostility, he might be a good guy, you know, if he could find a job, and stop getting in fights, and stop getting drunk, and stop getting arrested, and stop beating her up, and stop taking her money and so on and so forth.
Recently my give a fuck has been broken, So i don't give a fuck.
There is a small percentage of my friends that i will drop everything for to give a helping hand to.
And yes, if one of those girl that I can't help but roll my eyes when they talk, is abused by they're boyfriends, I do help. Even with the ability to see the future and can see that they'll end up right back with them.
Ever hear that statement come out of a girls mouth, "Men are Assholes!"
and in the same breath say, "No offense to you"
Well, when all us knights in shining armour gather round, "Women are stupid" gets uttered a few times.
"No offense" to the wives and the girlfriends who are around bandaging our physical and emotional wounds suffered in the line of duty.
Chivalry isn't dead, it's just in a state of disbelief because of whats going on.
I'm gunna go have a Jack and Coke.