My body hates me. I had my best friends bachelor party last night. I drank way too much... I spent way too much. I saw some exotic dancers do some amazing things. Wow Lets just say I saw a beer bottle hit a homerun no 1st base no 2ed base HOME RUN
It was fun but thinkin back thats so nasty. I had to drive to evanston for the beer. I dont know if you all have seen SLC PUNK (the movie) but it kind of goes into the shity utah beer laws. You cant just go get a keg. They are against the law to have. So we had to go to the border of the state next to ours to get one. sucks so bad. so we drank 2 1/2 kegs of beer And I was smashed. good times.

One time I was at this bachelors party (they let me come, because they know how much I love boobies) and the two strippers did this thing called "the beaver bang". They layed the host on the floor, and then the girls sat on either side of his head, spread eagle. Then they explained that the more $ we through at them, the harder they would bang their beavers against his head. It was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen (in real life). Plus, I think my friend got some brain damage. Or at least hearing damage. When he stood up, the sides of his face were slimey.