i am officially finally employed! whew. cake decorating again. swell. hey. but at least its money! right??? now i can buy things like.. gas... so i can... drive to work... yeah. well anyway its not bad, so far, i really really like the other people i work with, which, to me is the most important part of a job. The best job in the world could suck balls if your coworkers are assholes.
haha but yeah. the other nite i was at dennys and i totally accidentally broke into someone elses car!! hahah, im such an idiot. It was the same kind of car i have but a different color, but it was dark out. haha, and they were parked right next to me. So i opened there door and stood there for a minute, looking for my bag, and then i slowly think to myself, "hey... my car doesnt have BROWN INTERIOR!!" oops. so i just closed their door and hoped no one saw me. haha.
haha but yeah. the other nite i was at dennys and i totally accidentally broke into someone elses car!! hahah, im such an idiot. It was the same kind of car i have but a different color, but it was dark out. haha, and they were parked right next to me. So i opened there door and stood there for a minute, looking for my bag, and then i slowly think to myself, "hey... my car doesnt have BROWN INTERIOR!!" oops. so i just closed their door and hoped no one saw me. haha.

kb toys and blockbuster
look your birthday is sep 19
2 days after mine
i got my cd from e bay
but i lucked up and got hers from a used cd shop
now i got two copies