This is an unedited preview of my first outdoor set! I still don't know if this picture will be included in the set or not cause we took so many (amazing) pics that makes it so hard to choose only 40-60!
The place was very lovely and magical, and thankfully nobody passed by while we were shooting! I love the result, can't wait to see the full edited set 😍 And you'll see some special guests in it, can you guess what? 😝
Moreover, have you noticed my new hair color? Do you like it?

I want a lot a outdoor set 🥺 beautiful 💙

I love outdoor sets with natural water so much. I have relationship goals of playing an easy role play of the show Naked and Afraid one day. When I get a woman who wants to marry me I want to make a comedy parody of the show and sell in on MV. It’s very important for me to be an equal when I get married. ❤️🔥😺❤️🔥