Hello Loves.
I decided to start participating in doing the bloghomework more.The most recent topic is "What is the geekiest thing about you?"I saw this topic and just had to participate.
I think the geekiest thing about me is my obsession with marvel, especially xmen. I grew up infatuated with the story line of xmen and the unique powers each character had. My brother and I owned an X-men Encyclopedia that basically had the majority of x-men characters ever created. It broke down each of their stories one by one from powers, how they got them, where they grew up etc. I knew the stories weren't real but I was amazed by the creativity and thought that was put into all of it. I literally thought that whoever made this has a beautiful mind. It was that and the fact that I could really relate to the stories. I felt like an outcast my whole life and like i didn't fit in anywhere and no one understood me. I also understood how much x-men comics and stories related to real life. It is very much so about how minorities and people who are different get treated aka "mutants". Til this day I think it's amazing how he took people who are normally treated like shit in real life and made them heroes, For example professor X was in a wheel chair, storm a woman and a black super hero. He took all the outcast in real life and made them a team that worked together. Very opposite of society. I just always loved the idea over all. Genius!
lol but with that being said I posted a pic of the encyclopedia i had as a child and the storm wallpaper I have on my phone right now :) I love many xmen but storm is indeed my favorite because I can identify with her the most. Well thanks for taking time to read my blog hope you enjoyed it. <3