1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? Dragonfruit
2. Where was your profile picture taken? At my best friend's house in Montreal!
3. Worst physical pain you’ve had? I was getting a lot of birth control induced migraines earlier in the year. Thankfully they stopped once I switched contraceptive options.
4. Favorite place you have been? I'm obsessed with the mountains, cliffs and beaches of the Oaxaca region of Mexico.
5. How late did you stay up last night? Night shift! I was up til 7am :)
6. If you could move somewhere else where would it be? I'd like to move to the interior of British Columbia, if we're being realistic, if this is more of a use your imagination type of question then I'd absolutely love to move to an island in the Phillipines!
7. Last vacation? I was on a family trip in January in Nelson, BC.
8. When was the last time you cried? Last week after receiving a lot of emotional news that has thankfully resolved now.
9. Who took your profile picture? It's a self portrait.
10. Something frivolous you'd like to own? Kinda obsessed with Anthropologie furniture.
11. What's your favorite season? Spring :)
12. If you could have any career? I'm doing it!
13. What was the last book you read? The Laws of Medicine by Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee
14. If you could talk to ANYONE right now who would it be? I'd rather not.
15. Are you a good influence? At this point in my life, probably! Not in the past though.
16. Does pineapple belong on a pizza? Yuuuuusss
17. You have the remote, what channel will you choose? HGTV (omg I'm so lame)
18. Two people who you think will do this? @ceres and @psypher
19. Last concert you attended? Holy shit.. Ummmmmm????
20. Favorite type of food? Indian food