I've been a bit absent from Suicide Girls but I think it's done me some good. I was beginning to get a bit too involved in the way photos were being selected for FP status and it was starting to take away the joy I once felt producing these sets. I love all the girls I shoot as well as the process following the shoot. I entirely believe there is beauty in everybody and sometimes there just needs to be a bit of a push to help make that beauty more .. powerful. The distance helped me remember why I worked so hard at becoming a staff photographer in the first place. My life seems to be in a continuous rhythm of change since the beginning of 2015. I abandoned the comfort photography gives me for a few months when I should have taken more advantage of it. Sometimes the solution to stress is right in front of you. Here's to say I've learned a bit of a lesson, again. Progress not perfection, right? xo
You are gifted in more than photography
it's not an easy task to keep the passion up when it feels like the work is being ignored