Hello !! Yeah I know I promised a long update about my summer !! I will, I'm workin on it but it's a long update ok. Let me time to handle it ! I'm bak In Orleans. I'm a bit sad that the vacations are over. I'm going to try to find a job tomorrow and I have a lot of shitty stuff to do ...
I've been to the Cafe Cherie party on friday, and spent alll the afty hanging out with the sweet Juliane. It was nice to go to this party and to see all the persons I haven't seen for a while and to meet new sweet people like Polly P.
Here are some pictures, you can see them here folderCafe Cherie Party
And oh I've never showed you those pics I did this summer.
I've been to the Cafe Cherie party on friday, and spent alll the afty hanging out with the sweet Juliane. It was nice to go to this party and to see all the persons I haven't seen for a while and to meet new sweet people like Polly P.
Here are some pictures, you can see them here folderCafe Cherie Party
And oh I've never showed you those pics I did this summer.
So what do you prefer ? Brushing or not brushing ? That it's the question ....
Hum see you guys, next update will be about my vacations I promise !
PS: I forgot I have to add those pics:
Afty with Juliane, Canard Laqu et H&M :
This picture est tres SALE. (Sorry I had to write it in french ! So who's that girl ?
And finally Nya loves this group :
See you soon !!!
mais tu reviens de temps en temps sur Paris?
Pour le lien du tatoueur http://www.imagotattoo.com/ tu vas voir arno.
Je dois le rappeler car il tait super busy le week-end dernier mais j'ai hte.
Sinon Jun va bien et moi mieux que lorsque tu m'as vue, tu noteras que j'ai repris quelques couleurs hi hi suis plus malade.
Envoie-moi ton adresse perso que je t'envoie des tonnes de liens et plus de nouvelles.
C'tait super cool de passer quelques jours en ta compagnie Montral.
Bisous !