Time for an update ! I'm not in a great mood. I'm in those kinda very introspective moments where I'm pretty much selfish and boring , watching my belly... "Who am I ? Where am I going ? What will I be doing in the next months ? and all that shit ... I will be in Paris around august the 20th or 21th or 22th ... I'll be leaving on the 23th as I'm going to see my daddy ! Yeah for me. I'm already broke but hey I have two feet to walk in NYC streets right ?

Oh the only Great Thing. I've done this new piercing 2 weeks ago :
And I was with this girl:
She's adorable ... And so I got to meet the lovely Pseekaal (hey you see I've updated !!!)
This girl is a cutie. Tribal Act rules
Ok so now I will try to be a nice girl and try to tidy my bedroom ... It's not a bedroom anymore ... It's a dump
Tons of kisses, I miss you guys. I'm just a bad friend ...
PS: I need a bf ... I mean this year have been so shitty .. My only fantasy would be to meet a nice guy ( not an asshole as usual) , to have sex with that nice guy, to sleep with him after sex and then .. the cherry on the cake ... Having a breakfast .... And if the Goddess would be nice enough to allow me to have a serious relationship made of laughs , discussions, spending days in bed under the blanket, going to the cinema !!! Wow made of real dates ... and oh yes .. Tons and tons of kissses , french kisses , hugs, holding hand .... I 'm so addicted to them ...hummm I'm dreaming. Goddess , please hear me.
I know I'm Pathetic.
You see I'm in such a good mood
Je t'ai envoy un mail
Je suis contente gnihiii