Here is a pic of my baby dog Uinalu (yea go find a name with U, I wasnt much into calling her Urine or Ursula. So its for Hui Nalu. My ex bf was keen of Surf. For those who are into Surf youll know that Duke Kahanamoku's legendary big hands embraced two canoe clubs, Outrigger and Hui Nalu. One he competed for, the other he helped found. Go figure) That was my doggy name story, interesting right ? huh.

I got back home yesterday. Paris in the morning, then office , then metro, then train , then Orleans ! yea for me.
I had real fun those last days. We had 2 tour dates this week, Strasbourg (La Laiterie) on Thursday and Metz (La Chapelle les trinitaires) on Friday. So I got to hang out with the lovely Fixmer on Thursday and the lovely Juliane on Friday. They both helped me doing merchandising. You girls rock !!
So Thursday in Strasbourg with Fixmer:
Friday in Metz with Juliane:
It was great, I went to bed at 2 :30 am and woke up at 5 :30 cuz the guys wanted to leave early (at 6am) , they had stuff planned on Saturday. I slept in the car as always. Wed been stopped by customs. They asked a lot of question like do you have any cigarettes or alcohol in the car. The tour manager said he smokes so they askes him to show his pack of cigarettes. He did. Finally they let us go after they knew that the black guy was an artist and that he did 2 gigs those last days. The funny thing is. .. there was a full Jack Daniels bottle in the cars front door. Anyway
So we got back to paris, then i got home and immediately went to bed Woke up to go to the haras my little broz is doing horse riding. My mum had to buy some champagne and stuff to eat to celebrate teh fact that he had won his first horse contest 2 weeks ago and it was the first time he was doing one. (Im a very proud sis !!!) . The only thing i think weird is this tradition . Why is it to the winner to buy Champagne ???,Weird Its like paying all the party for your birthday.. Oups just realized thats what we do !!!
I go back to Paris early in the morn 2morrow. That sucks.
I bought a fucking great cd. Ive seen the guy perform in January , he was opening for Guem on his first new show tour date. Hes called Grand Corps Malade . Its slam. Never got to hear some. The guy is just Amazing. You cry and laugh listening to his lyrics. Go buy his cd !! And the guy is a very nice guy. Particulary love those songs. Midi20 , mon Cur ma tte et mes couilles , and for everybody that know St Denis the song St Denis . And well all the songs are great.
Still talking about music. Im listening to the new Hikki single (Utada Hikaru) that a japanese friend sent me on Wednesday. The song is called Sanctuary which is the english version of
Passion (go check the video ) .Its on the Kingdoms Heart 2 soundtrack. I luv Hikki. Ok maybe not everything. But shes done great songs and her videos that her husband Kiriya Kazuaki has done , really kick ass. My favourites are Sakura, Final Distance, Dareka, Deep River, Be My Last, Travelling and First Love cuz Im such a fan of Fushigi Yuugi LOL (I know that I suck and Im proud of it !!)
I think this my biggest entry ever !
The lovely Fixmer is now pink go tell her how much we cant wait to see her lovely ass !
Bisoo Bisoo.
PS : Love those and those
PS2 : BTW Dont go there : Candy Blog
Bon weekend (Si tu as finit ton stage, tu es en vacances, ou tu fais autre chose?)
si c'est pour les photos tu as bien fait de me le faire remarquer, j'ai galr les mettre mais l je t'ai rajoute