wow its been awhile i'm pissed off at the world in general. Here i sit in canada where all people are worried about is money women and money. FUCK THE WORLD this is what we have come to as humans . I understand the money and jobs somewhere to go and make money so you can live. Yet i think more then half of the people in the world just don't want to pay attention to the needy and the greed of the world. We are a million times smartier then anything else in the world we are the only creatures to kill and take over and kill everything that we want or need there is no balance any more. The world is fuck and if what i have been reading on the internet is true then we are all fucked in the long run. It's weird that the dinosaurs are going to kill us all just because of oil. There rotting corpes are going to kick us in the ass. 40 % of the world engery is from oil and the by products there is nothing that comes close. Think about it in one day every comes to a stop there is no more trucks / transportation how are you going to do anything. Then sept 11 was all set up by the america govnerment so they can do and say whatever they what. I don't know what to do anymore i think i have givin up on alot of things. Well should i go back to school and better my self yet if the world comes to a end or if world war 3 breaks out then i'm fucked anyway. Well if you read this you proby think i'm crazy . Well think about it oil has to run out sometime. And its not like the car company's are embracing energy cars. Hmm i got an idea lets make the cars 1300 horse power stock and see what kind of fuel milage they get. Ya ok we are not ready for anything like that. Humans in general need a wake up call and realize that it's not all money and greed. But that will never happen i can't wait to watch it all burn if i'm that lucky. Then all of you people with your beautiful wife and nice family with 3.2 kids and .5 dogs are going to be shocked. So what should i do imbrace the fate of use as a whole and go get hammered. Or get ready for this or pretend that nothing is ever going to happpen. But we have gotten to a point where we have gotten to smart and sorry to say but it's not going to be aliens or some ai thats going kill us all we are going to kill yourself and its about time. This may look grim or thats just the way i am. I wish the glass was half full but it's not looking that why. Mans ruin is coming faster then you think. Well thats what i think. I wanted to or still want to have kids but for what???? so they can live in a world of broken dreams ??? what are the next generation have to live 4 to fight in the oil war? if that happens. It's like the nazi in the 40's same as america keep on puching and someone is going to push bad and they ain't going to be ready for that. But they brought this apon there self. Wow i wish i was born in like 1912 that would have been great. I would have lived my life and thats it i would be dead. Well then thats all i got i think i fell better a bit. But how do i live for tommorow if there is no tommorow. Man's ruin = GREED WOMEN DRUGS
. I wish there was something that i could do but want is one person going to do ??? well then i'm living my life one day at a time.
There is no fate but what we make.

There is no fate but what we make.