I got up and started to watch dead wake on tbs. Wow vandame hasn't lost a step. Well ya that was my high light for 2 day. went to syranna with george clooney whatever if i didn't spell them right it's ok. Because there goes 2 hours of my life that i will not get back
god damn you clooney!! And don't get me started about America. I down loaded a whole bunch of music last night.
. Well i guess one more night and back to work. Oh well i got 4 more days and my years done! Then i got like 3 weeks off great i hope i get a car soon all of this sit at home has got me down. I think i'm going stir crazy. Oh well i can draw for 2 weeks and maybe finishing something for once. That would be great. So another boring night wow i wonder what 90's classic movies i will watch. They sure don't make them like that any more. Wow i'm talking about nothing. So i'm going to cut this off here. Well if you read this sorry for wasting your time. Have a good one

awww... i HATE that.. going to a movie at the theaters.. paying full price.. then feeling that there's a moment in your life that you can never get back... it makes me.. die a little inside... i wish that the directors would think of the kitties when they're making crap movies....