So there was a thread on the gamer group that asked why there was a gamer group on a porn site.
I have never thought of SG as a porn site. Compared with 99.9% of the porn out there this is like Playboy, rather tame.
I think of SG as a community of like minded people. People with simular interests and ideas. I barely even look at the photosets anymore unless there is something really interesting artistic wise to them. I have met some awsome friends here, hopfully when I am back on the road in September I will have the opportunity to meet and hang out with you. I have also picked the brains of some talented photographers, which is something I have had a interest in for a while now. Had help with some computer problems. And help locating a missing friend. (she is still missing hopfully she is ok).
So SG isnt a porn site. Its just a really cool place to hang out.
Just my 2 cents for whatever its worth
Just downloaded some new tunes.
Primus, Violent Femmes, and some Dread Zepplin
Alula countdown 9 days!!!!!!
I have never thought of SG as a porn site. Compared with 99.9% of the porn out there this is like Playboy, rather tame.
I think of SG as a community of like minded people. People with simular interests and ideas. I barely even look at the photosets anymore unless there is something really interesting artistic wise to them. I have met some awsome friends here, hopfully when I am back on the road in September I will have the opportunity to meet and hang out with you. I have also picked the brains of some talented photographers, which is something I have had a interest in for a while now. Had help with some computer problems. And help locating a missing friend. (she is still missing hopfully she is ok).
So SG isnt a porn site. Its just a really cool place to hang out.
Just my 2 cents for whatever its worth
Just downloaded some new tunes.
Primus, Violent Femmes, and some Dread Zepplin

Alula countdown 9 days!!!!!!
And thanks for helping Alula with my new profile pic.