So poor Jamey had not been feeling well. Its allergies to pollen in the air so his nose is all stuffy poor guy
Needless to say Lyric has gotten no sleep staying up and taking care of him.
I'm on my 3rd split week in a row. double the work, I'm exhausted. but I get to see Lyric next week

Needless to say Lyric has gotten no sleep staying up and taking care of him.
I'm on my 3rd split week in a row. double the work, I'm exhausted. but I get to see Lyric next week

AW I didn't think that babies that young could be diagnosed with allergies. Is Lyric sure its not and upper respitory thing?? Like a virus? Does he have a fever. He he I'm getting a little nosey.

No... I think I liked the saran wrap on you
I think I'm going to forgo the saran wrap in favour of something like, oh I don't know, I skirt and a top. Something craaaaazy like that.