So Jessica has to have another operation. This one on her other ovary. And if it looks bad enough they may do a hystorecomy. The doctor also mentioned the possibility of cancer. So once again help me send positive thoughts and prayers.
Its realy frustrating right now because I cant be there for her or Lyric. I know there is not alot I could do but sometimes a hug helps most. I think I have cried more in the past couple of months then I have in my entire adult life.
Its realy frustrating right now because I cant be there for her or Lyric. I know there is not alot I could do but sometimes a hug helps most. I think I have cried more in the past couple of months then I have in my entire adult life.
I am so not a grudge holder... as you say, life's too short. But sometimes it's hard to forget things that people do to you which end up hurting you really badly.
do you know if Lyric got my letter?