-had an arnoldjam tonight. few friends and i watched 5 arnold schwarzeneggar movies and had some beer. it was a hillarious night. couple of my friends and i in particular, quote arnold literally at least 50 times a day. no joke. we've done more arnold impersonations and quoting than any threesome in the world. he has too many ridiculous lines that absolutely never get old. fuck, we're so damn cool. [dorks]
-my cousin got married this weekend. the wedding was in Peru, so i couldn't go without missing a lot of important school mumbo. i'm rather sad that i missed it. i'm told it was a blast. i'd also have seen and hung out with my cooler half of the family. :snaps in disappointment:
-raise your hand if you need someone to talk to because everyone around you is too stupid. raise the other hand if you also need a Kitten for companionship.
well i just be looking like the kick was good, now, don't i.
-my cousin got married this weekend. the wedding was in Peru, so i couldn't go without missing a lot of important school mumbo. i'm rather sad that i missed it. i'm told it was a blast. i'd also have seen and hung out with my cooler half of the family. :snaps in disappointment:
-raise your hand if you need someone to talk to because everyone around you is too stupid. raise the other hand if you also need a Kitten for companionship.
well i just be looking like the kick was good, now, don't i.

dude, trains are the fucking suck. I was not pleased. not pleased at all.
Wait...ok, so I know that "kitty" must be some kind of euphemism, but I just don't know what for. I would like a REAL kitten to cuddle with. and a hug. I don't know exactly why I'm feeling so fragile, but I just felt like crying any time anyone said anything to me today.