-i requested friendship from myself and accepted. i'm my own friend now. haha. wow, i'm a geek.
-just took a "which nightmare before christmas character are you?" quiz and i'm oogie boogie. i die in the end and no one cares.
-i've been debating for quite a while now whether to get a couple pieces of metal on me. i want an industrial thing through an ear and a small bar through my left eyebrow, right through the dead space. if you haven't noticed, my left eyebrow is a little shy and half of it is thin and not there. stupid. my only outside-sg friend who has an opinion says my face is too "pretty" for metal and that most of the time, my hair covers my ear. she also thinks my tattoo is silly cuz i'm the only one who can't see it.
-been watching on and off the twilight zone marathon on sci-fi channel. good stuff.
oh man. nothing like waking up at 2:30pm, kinda drunk. i'm not hungover yet
Happy New Year, everyone! hope the year brings total awesomeness to you.
-that should be arnold's next film. Total Awesomeness. "oh my god. subject has almost achieved total awesomeness. he's already too awesome. he'll ruin everything we've done. we must stop him." [now cool unexplained trailer voice] Arnold Governator is totally awesome. sneak preview this saturday. see local listings for details.
-last night was very awesome. i needed that. at one point my two buds that were sober convinced me that i was spider-man and that i forgot because i drank too much. after "remembering" this i began climbing on everything from furniture to people. i don't remember this well. i coulda just thought i was climbing and been rolling on the floor.
-was just reminded! i was introduced to gentleman's jack. he said to me, "hi there, friend. i'm jack daniel's older brother. i'm smoother and make you think i'm not as potent, but then i kick you in the ass cuz you drank too much of me, and you yuke everywhere. hahaHAHAha! fool!"
think my sister took pictures throughout the night. i'll put some up when she e-mails them to the whole world, as she does.
hope you guys all had fun last night too. stories! stories!
-my year was ups and ups, and downs, and ups. quick rundown of most major events: college is awesome. college is awesome. finished first year. grades were garbage. got kicked out of school. summer was boring. wrote a very dick-sucking disqualification appeal to school. got reinstated, with one semester to raise overall GPA and get off probation. wake up call. begin second college year. my grades rule. i'm off probation and ultra motivated. somewhere in there i won a big poker tournament and a couple scholarships. money is good. year ends. stare at next semester in the face and scream "BRING IT OOOOGGHHNN!!"
-resolutions. i never do this making resolutions crap, but here it goes anyways: get a job during the semester because the casino is not a reliable source of money. get a good job for the summer in san diego, and declare myself "moved out" from home. bring home the bacon, to myself.
-just took a "which nightmare before christmas character are you?" quiz and i'm oogie boogie. i die in the end and no one cares.
-i've been debating for quite a while now whether to get a couple pieces of metal on me. i want an industrial thing through an ear and a small bar through my left eyebrow, right through the dead space. if you haven't noticed, my left eyebrow is a little shy and half of it is thin and not there. stupid. my only outside-sg friend who has an opinion says my face is too "pretty" for metal and that most of the time, my hair covers my ear. she also thinks my tattoo is silly cuz i'm the only one who can't see it.
-been watching on and off the twilight zone marathon on sci-fi channel. good stuff.
oh man. nothing like waking up at 2:30pm, kinda drunk. i'm not hungover yet
Happy New Year, everyone! hope the year brings total awesomeness to you.
-that should be arnold's next film. Total Awesomeness. "oh my god. subject has almost achieved total awesomeness. he's already too awesome. he'll ruin everything we've done. we must stop him." [now cool unexplained trailer voice] Arnold Governator is totally awesome. sneak preview this saturday. see local listings for details.
-last night was very awesome. i needed that. at one point my two buds that were sober convinced me that i was spider-man and that i forgot because i drank too much. after "remembering" this i began climbing on everything from furniture to people. i don't remember this well. i coulda just thought i was climbing and been rolling on the floor.
-was just reminded! i was introduced to gentleman's jack. he said to me, "hi there, friend. i'm jack daniel's older brother. i'm smoother and make you think i'm not as potent, but then i kick you in the ass cuz you drank too much of me, and you yuke everywhere. hahaHAHAha! fool!"
think my sister took pictures throughout the night. i'll put some up when she e-mails them to the whole world, as she does.
hope you guys all had fun last night too. stories! stories!
-my year was ups and ups, and downs, and ups. quick rundown of most major events: college is awesome. college is awesome. finished first year. grades were garbage. got kicked out of school. summer was boring. wrote a very dick-sucking disqualification appeal to school. got reinstated, with one semester to raise overall GPA and get off probation. wake up call. begin second college year. my grades rule. i'm off probation and ultra motivated. somewhere in there i won a big poker tournament and a couple scholarships. money is good. year ends. stare at next semester in the face and scream "BRING IT OOOOGGHHNN!!"
-resolutions. i never do this making resolutions crap, but here it goes anyways: get a job during the semester because the casino is not a reliable source of money. get a good job for the summer in san diego, and declare myself "moved out" from home. bring home the bacon, to myself.
Um, yes on the industrial. Industrials are fucking hot on guys. Well, they're fucking hot on girls as well, but I care less about girls looking hot. I L-O-V-E the picture that you made for me. It's now the background on my computer. cheers.
Thanks. You too, No; my experience was much more sober. [smiles]